Exhausted on Primo

Sometimes I will get fatigue due to systemic inflammation caused by shock the day after my first pin. Happened to me this week when I started running it again. Goes away but sometimes it comes back through the cycle. Definitely could be not all in his head. Still love primo but I get some weird symptoms on it that leads me to believe it doesn’t really agree with my body. Makes me grow better then mast and I’ve yet to try EQ so primo it is for now
Do you plan to ever try eq? What's held you back? I haven't tried it either but but I'm not sure if I'm interested at this point in my life since I'm almost 40. I need to research it more as I don't fully know the sides other than more red blood cells and possible e2 lowering. Is there much of a difference over primo/mast or just running more test?
Did you pull bloods before you started your cruise? What was your e2? 2 weeks on primo seems pretty short to already have low e2 symptoms. Hard to tell with out doing blood work.
Do you plan to ever try eq? What's held you back? I haven't tried it either but but I'm not sure if I'm interested at this point in my life since I'm almost 40. I need to research it more as I don't fully know the sides other than more red blood cells and possible e2 lowering. Is there much of a difference over primo/mast or just running more test?
Im planning on it yeah. Only thing that’s held me back from it this cycle is that it’s a very short push and needs to end in 10 weeks and EQ’s half life is way too long. I’ll give it a try in my offseason. Ideally I’d prefer to run test, mast, npp but npp seemed to dull my emotions way too much so eq may be the only other option besides test, mast, and primo

I don’t think there’s anything “special” about EQ, but if my body doesn’t like primo, and I don’t seem to grow as well on mast, and I also have had skewed lipids for a while due to the DHTs, it’s worth giving EQ a try as a primo replacement
Im planning on it yeah. Only thing that’s held me back from it this cycle is that it’s a very short push and needs to end in 10 weeks and EQ’s half life is way too long. I’ll give it a try in my offseason. Ideally I’d prefer to run test, mast, npp but npp seemed to dull my emotions way too much so eq may be the only other option besides test, mast, and primo

I don’t think there’s anything “special” about EQ, but if my body doesn’t like primo, and I don’t seem to grow as well on mast, and I also have had skewed lipids for a while due to the DHTs, it’s worth giving EQ a try as a primo replacement
EQ is amazing. It's going to be a staple in all my cut and bulk cycles now. Adds great fullness and pop to the muscles (has its own "EQ look" with the 3d fullness), insaneee vascularity, endurance, and it's a great growth compound

On cut it just makes you look that much freakier, on bulks it compliments test very well for growth

Also converts to e1 (a weak estrogen) which clogs estrogen receptors making it harder for e2 to bind so it's good for reducing aromatization too.

The only bad thing is the anxiety spikes some get. I notice it a little bit but it's not too bad
Yes EQ gives a great look cosmetically, but the side effects compared to Primo are crazy. Blood so thick the nurse taking my blood was in shock, and I was drinking plenty of water, donating blood every 2 months, eating grapefruit, celery, and every supplement known to lower hematocrit, and doing a ton of cardio. Shit can be dangerous as fuck. Apart from that, crashed estrogen lasts forever compared to Primo. You will be fucked up for a long time on EQ. And I experienced anxiety on it as the only compound ever, WHILE MY E2 was in range. Will never touch it again.

The only benefit of EQ is that it won't destroy your hair like Primo does. But it's very tricky, I even did a cycle with Boldenone Cypionate, but even with the shorter half-life I had the same side effects and it was hard to dial in e2. Also EQ is derived from Testosterone, so you will miss out on some good DHT benefits.

Run masteron if you don't like primo. But honestly 2 weeks is too early to drop anything, didn't even peak in the blood yet.
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EQ is amazing. It's going to be a staple in all my cut and bulk cycles now. Adds great fullness and pop to the muscles (has its own "EQ look" with the 3d fullness), insaneee vascularity, endurance, and it's a great growth compound

On cut it just makes you look that much freakier, on bulks it compliments test very well for growth

Also converts to e1 (a weak estrogen) which clogs estrogen receptors making it harder for e2 to bind so it's good for reducing aromatization too.

The only bad thing is the anxiety spikes some get. I notice it a little bit but it's not too bad
So as I assume it took primo's place for you now?
Yes EQ gives a great look cosmetically, but the side effects compared to Primo are crazy. Blood so thick the nurse taking my blood was in shock, and I was drinking plenty of water, donating blood every 2 months, eating grapefruit, celery, and every supplement known to lower hematocrit, and doing a ton of cardio. Shit can be dangerous as fuck. Apart from that, crashed estrogen lasts forever compared to Primo. You will be fucked up for a long time on EQ. And I experienced anxiety on it as the only compound ever, WHILE MY E2 was in range. Will never touch it again.

The only benefit of EQ is that it won't destroy your hair like Primo does. But it's very tricky, I even did a cycle with Boldenone Cypionate, but even with the shorter half-life I had the same side effects and it was hard to dial in e2. Also EQ is derived from Testosterone, so you will miss out on some good DHT benefits.

Run masteron if you don't like primo. But honestly 2 weeks is too early to drop anything, didn't even peak in the blood yet.
Enough user reports like this leave me with no desire to mess with eq!
I have a shaved head from hair loss in my early 30s so what’s primo gonna do to that!
after next bloods thinking of a touch more test and add the mast with the primo…