Experience recovering after trt or blast/cruise


New Member
28M, long story short a few years ago I started TRT after having low test (TT 400 or so with FT below range) and all the symptoms that came with it. Was on with brief periods off for around 2.5-3 years. Eventually got to the point that I realized I felt awful on the stuff. Tried all the different protocols, estrogen control etc. but always felt bad/anxious and didn't really have libido. Erectile function sucked and I was taking cialis all the time. Also felt a lot dumber and the brain fog/lethargy I was having interfered with my work. During this time did a lot of blood tests and realized i was deficient in vitamin D and started taking some which made me feel loads better but still not quite as good as I used to. Unfortunately I only used hcg intermittently during TRT and it never seemed to fix testicular atrophy.

Around January I decided I wanted to try and quit to recover my natural levels, testicular size, etc given that I had corrected some other health problems by this time. I did a few weeks of HCG at 1000 eod and then took clomid for around 3 months. I have now been off clomid for 6 weeks and feel fairly good. I feel much more clear-headed and more like myself. I don't feel as strong as I did on TRT but I have been having an easier time lifting again. Got bloods done and was at 671 TT with FT right in the middle of the range. I think this is pretty impressive and I would like to continue to stay off as I feel better overall, although I am still lacking in some areas. My libido is hit or miss, and my semen still seems fairly watery. I also am really bothered by how my testicle size never seemed to regenerate. They ache from time to time and still seem very small compared to when I started. They feel kind of lifeless.

I am curious as to whether anyone else has quit after a long time on and every recovered fully. Do I need to wait longer for testicle size to return? This is really the main thing that is still bothering me as my other markers seem to have returned quite nicely. I plan on getting my LH and FSH tested soon. How long should I wait before trying something like fsh/hmg to try and boost them back up to size? I've noticed that on days I feel better they seem larger and hang more like they used to. On bad days they are high, tight, and small. I know the ball size thing is a joke here but i am one of the people TRT definitely does not work for unfortunately and the small balls are really the last remaining symptom I have and I would very much so like to fix the results of my mistake here. I have read that spermatogenesis correlates with size and that this can take years to return but I am curious to hear if anyone else has experiences or advice in this area.
Have you ever considered going to a fertility/mens clinic, laying out your situiation, letting them know your goals, and get some professional help on this?