Extrasystoles and steriod cycles


New Member
I have been diagnosed with having frequent extrasystoles. For those not knowing what this is, it basically means my heart makes an extra heartbeat inbetween the regular rythm and causes my next normal heartbeat to be stronger.
It’s rather unharmful and all my other parameters and heart functions are perfectly fine.
Most of the time I don’t feel or notice anything but sometimes I get light anxiety and feel aware of the irregularity.

I have no clue if it runs in the family, but there are some things that could’ve caused it:

* In the past (as in almost 10 years ago) I have done a cycle of test/tren with proper pct. Recovered normally
* Smoked weed (weed + tobacco) daily/frequently for 5-6 years. I’ve quit this since April this year and feeling better in general. Best decision in years.

Now I’m still interested in running a cycle again but I’m wondering if it will worsen the condition (the frequency increases) or it gets more noticeable.

My stats: 28/178/85kg/18%. Training 3-4x a week for the last 6 years probably.

I’m very interested in hearing if other people suffer from this aswell and some general advice.