Fat loss cycle


New Member
Hey everyone Im trying to loose body fat. I use to be very fit and lean in my younger years. I used to also compete in amateur BB but I let myself go over the years. I'm 45 yrs old 5'6 and currently 213lb. I still have mass because I still work out but ate like shit . I'm now on a good diet eating 1700 calories a day. What cycle would anyone recommend to help loose body weight and put on lean muscle? I looked my best at 160
Just wondering at 45 how your hormone panel looks?

Based on the your past experience Im going to assume you know how to train and diet.

Honestly for just getting back into shape (assuming your thyroid is in good shape and no BG issues) just TRT+ (150-200mg Test + 150-200mg Primo) with a couple IU of GH will do wonders.

Just my pennies.
Just wondering at 45 how your hormone panel looks?

Based on the your past experience Im going to assume you know how to train and diet.

Honestly for just getting back into shape (assuming your thyroid is in good shape and no BG issues) just TRT+ (150-200mg Test + 150-200mg Primo) with a couple IU of GH will do wonders.

Just wondering at 45 how your hormone panel looks?

Based on the your past experience Im going to assume you know how to train and diet.

Honestly for just getting back into shape (assuming your thyroid is in good shape and no BG issues) just TRT+ (150-200mg Test + 150-200mg Primo) with a couple IU of GH will do wonders.

Just my pennies.
My panel is normal except my test is around 300. The only thing I'm taking is mk677 because I feel great for recovery and sleep. I never tried primo because it's always been hard to find real primo
What do you mean by micro dosing test and would primo on top of ties? I Feel mk 677 is a great option for GH
Microdosing=use as little as you need to keep a positive balance (not blasting) ....without disruppting too much your hormonal panel, this way you don't need to introduce other substances just to adjust....that depends on a lot of variables....you should do your own research depending on your variables ...you don't need high doses of test, that the ideea.

With Tirz....5mg/week ...it's enough.

These are recommendations for long term strategy thinking about health as well.

If you are aiming for quick results....discard everything I just said so far.
Test, Tren, T3 and HGH if you can afford it. I got fat on my last bulk eating 3500 calories per day. Now I'm losing 1.5-2kg per week with 4000 calories thanks to the T3. Also don't shit yourself over the catabolism myths, Tren is powerful enough that it still allows me to slightly progress on my lifts and not lose any muscle at all.
Test, Tren, T3 and HGH if you can afford it. I got fat on my last bulk eating 3500 calories per day. Now I'm losing 1.5-2kg per week with 4000 calories thanks to the T3. Also don't shit yourself over the catabolism myths, Tren is powerful enough that it still allows me to slightly progress on my lifts and not lose any muscle at all.
Trent works great. I did TREN back when I was competing but it was very hard on my body
What do you mean by micro dosing test and would primo on top of ties? I Feel mk 677 is a great option for GH
My worry with you using MK-677 (Ibutamoren) would be the appetite increase it is well noted for since you are looking to cut.

I take MK-677 specifically as an appetite stimulant for bulking purposes. I certainly would not take it if I was wanting to cut weight.

Keep the carbs low, protein high, fats low to moderate. Limit saturated fat intake and sugar

Do a lot of cardio that actually gets the heart rate up (stairmaster/jogging), but walking on the treadmill is also good too. Fasted cardio really helps with weight loss
My worry with you using MK-677 (Ibutamoren) would be the appetite increase it is well noted for since you are looking to cut.

I take MK-677 specifically as an appetite stimulant for bulking purposes. I certainly would not take it if I was wanting to cut weight.
True and it dose but I take 1ml and my body got use to it and I don't get extremely hungry anymore. Mk for me is amazing for recovery and I can sleep for 5 hrs and feel like I slept for 8

Keep the carbs low, protein high, fats low to moderate. Limit saturated fat intake and sugar

Do a lot of cardio that actually gets the heart rate up (stairmaster/jogging), but walking on the treadmill is also good too. Fasted cardio really helps with weight loss
I usually keep my carbs at 125g no sugars but I do need to up my cardio . I use the elliptical
True and it dose but I take 1ml and my body got use to it and I don't get extremely hungry anymore. Mk for me is amazing for recovery and I can sleep for 5 hrs and feel like I slept for 8
I guess I had never considered a tolerance angle as I only use it as needed on high calorie days when I need to push food.
I guess I had never considered a tolerance angle as I only use it as needed on high calorie days when I need to push food.
Yeah your body will get used only at low dose. Mk is fantastic brother but yeah most people use it only on certain days at higher doses to help with food
What are your thoughts on t3
Wouldnt mess with it unless you had thyroid problems, which is the only reason I take it is because I have low thyroid

Run what I just said and you will lose all the weight you want and be the easiest cut you have ever done.
Youve already mentioned you have low T, losing fat on low T is a very slow process. Not even counting your natty levels will tank even further on a cut, TRT will keep them high and stable.