FBG - Woke up with 92 after 4 months of use

Hey guys, so ive been doing 5iu's of HGH for the past 4 months.
3iu's in the morning
2iu's pre bed.

Usually my FBG is around 75-80(up until month 3 i think those were the readings i used to get) so getting 92 this morning is def new to me.
i got couple of questions if you dont mind helping me out :

1. is 92 considered "really" bad or its manageable and i can continue my current dosage without worry ?
2. i was thinking lowering the dosage to 4ius and see whats up, is that a good idea ?
3. ordered some GDA and Berberine which comes in 500mg caps, should i take it morning/noon/prebed with food ?
4. in little less then 8 weeks im going to drop the HGH anyway, after stopping the use my insulin sensitivity should return to base line am i correct ?
5. Thanks for the help !
i know, i just need fast solution as ordering it online will take month in best case to arrive and 2 months in worse and by then ill drop hgh any way lol
If you're in the US, maybe check with skank or serono to see if they have some metformin available. They are domestic and fast but idk if they carry metformin.