Feedback On First Cycle


New Member
Dear All,

I would like to ask for your feedback/advice on my idea for a first cycle. I am currently in the budgeting and planning phase with no firm commitments, so any advice would be welcome.

32y.o male, around 210lbs bodyweight at 5'10", 5-6 years of recreational powerlifting/strength training experience. Current 1-rep maxes are approximately:
- 450lbs squat
- 365lbs bench
- 505lbs deadlift

I would like to use this cycle to test my tolerance for relatively mild doses of testosterone, and to more importantly see whether I would be willing and able to commit to longer-term usage. There is also a 'bucket list' element to this, as I am curious about experiencing using PEDs in any case.

I would be using the proposed cycle while on a maintenance diet and structured powerlifting program aimed at peaking for a mock meet over 16 weeks which would culminate in re-testing my max lifts at the end of the cycle.

I do not have a desire to intentionally gain or lose much bodyweight, so will keep eating a diet set at maintenance macros (200 protein, 50-80 fats, and 240-290 carbs depending on whether I train or not that day).

Cycle Components:
- Testing/bloodwork: Bloodwork done before commencing the cycle then, if my baseline is fine, doing a subsequent test every four weeks thereafter until end of PCT.
- Testosterone enanthate: 16 week cycle, starting at 200mg/wk administered in two dosages per week and gradually increasing by 50mg/wk increments every four weeks depending on side effects and bloodwork.
- Raloxifene: run at 30mg per day throughout the cycle as a precaution against gyno.
- Anavar: potentially adding in 25mg/day for the final four weeks (weeks 13-16) of the cycle but only if bloodwork is adequate and results from testosterone begin to level off.
- HCG: 250iu administered twice per week starting from week 4. Increase in dosage to 1,000iu twice per week for four weeks after conclusion of the cycle (weeks 17-20) as a bridge before starting SERMS.
- SERMS/PCT: Nolva/Clomid at 20/10mg per day for weeks 21-22, then tapering down to half this dosage for weeks 23-24.
- Ancillaries: Aromasin on hand just in case, although I would prefer to avoid using this.
-Supplements: Vitamin D3+K2, zinc, magnesium, fish oil, creatine. I would add in TUDCA in the event I decide to implement anavar.

- I was thinking about whether there would be a cost-effective way of trying a 'dry-run' where I use a benign/non-hormonal compound like bacteriostatic water or injectable L-carnitine for a week or two just to learn injection technique and get used to the process. Are there any downsides to doing this, or any recommendations you might have instead?
- Is the cycle length of 16 weeks too aggressive, and therefore would it be better to do a shorter cycle length considering no prior experience with PEDs?

Thank you in advance for your help.
starting at 200mg/wk
start at 500mg per week. 200 mg will be underwhelming. No need to titrate up.
Raloxifene: run at 30mg per day throughout the cycle
just like the asin, have it on hand if you need it. don't introduce compound into your body you may not need.
save it for the next cycle. start with just test so you know exactly how you react and get dialed in.
Aromasin on hand just in case,
'dry-run' where I use a benign/non-hormonal compound like bacteriostatic water or injectable L-carnitine
not necessary. you were smart enough to have given this so much thought and well organized. you can draw some oil into a syringe and inject yourself several times per week.

Is the cycle length of 16 weeks too aggressive
No. 16 is perfect.
start at 500mg per week. 200 mg will be underwhelming. No need to titrate up.

just like the asin, have it on hand if you need it. don't introduce compound into your body you may not need.

save it for the next cycle. start with just test so you know exactly how you react and get dialed in.


not necessary. you were smart enough to have given this so much thought and well organized. you can draw some oil into a syringe and inject yourself several times per week.

No. 16 is perfect.
Thank you very much for the constructive feedback!
start at 500mg per week. 200 mg will be underwhelming. No need to titrate up.

just like the asin, have it on hand if you need it. don't introduce compound into your body you may not need.

save it for the next cycle. start with just test so you know exactly how you react and get dialed in.


not necessary. you were smart enough to have given this so much thought and well organized. you can draw some oil into a syringe and inject yourself several times per week.

No. 16 is perfect.
Well said and I second this.
Dear All,

I would like to ask for your feedback/advice on my idea for a first cycle. I am currently in the budgeting and planning phase with no firm commitments, so any advice would be welcome.

32y.o male, around 210lbs bodyweight at 5'10", 5-6 years of recreational powerlifting/strength training experience. Current 1-rep maxes are approximately:
- 450lbs squat
- 365lbs bench
- 505lbs deadlift

I would like to use this cycle to test my tolerance for relatively mild doses of testosterone, and to more importantly see whether I would be willing and able to commit to longer-term usage. There is also a 'bucket list' element to this, as I am curious about experiencing using PEDs in any case.

I would be using the proposed cycle while on a maintenance diet and structured powerlifting program aimed at peaking for a mock meet over 16 weeks which would culminate in re-testing my max lifts at the end of the cycle.

I do not have a desire to intentionally gain or lose much bodyweight, so will keep eating a diet set at maintenance macros (200 protein, 50-80 fats, and 240-290 carbs depending on whether I train or not that day).

Cycle Components:
- Testing/bloodwork: Bloodwork done before commencing the cycle then, if my baseline is fine, doing a subsequent test every four weeks thereafter until end of PCT.
- Testosterone enanthate: 16 week cycle, starting at 200mg/wk administered in two dosages per week and gradually increasing by 50mg/wk increments every four weeks depending on side effects and bloodwork.
- Raloxifene: run at 30mg per day throughout the cycle as a precaution against gyno.
- Anavar: potentially adding in 25mg/day for the final four weeks (weeks 13-16) of the cycle but only if bloodwork is adequate and results from testosterone begin to level off.
- HCG: 250iu administered twice per week starting from week 4. Increase in dosage to 1,000iu twice per week for four weeks after conclusion of the cycle (weeks 17-20) as a bridge before starting SERMS.
- SERMS/PCT: Nolva/Clomid at 20/10mg per day for weeks 21-22, then tapering down to half this dosage for weeks 23-24.
- Ancillaries: Aromasin on hand just in case, although I would prefer to avoid using this.
-Supplements: Vitamin D3+K2, zinc, magnesium, fish oil, creatine. I would add in TUDCA in the event I decide to implement anavar.

- I was thinking about whether there would be a cost-effective way of trying a 'dry-run' where I use a benign/non-hormonal compound like bacteriostatic water or injectable L-carnitine for a week or two just to learn injection technique and get used to the process. Are there any downsides to doing this, or any recommendations you might have instead?
- Is the cycle length of 16 weeks too aggressive, and therefore would it be better to do a shorter cycle length considering no prior experience with PEDs?

Thank you in advance for your help.
Keep us posted, curios how much your lift will go up if you do this.
Man I love the thought, effort, and research you’ve committed to for your first cycle. First pin is always scary, at least mine was. Shaking like a leaf in the wind and no true idea if I was doing it right. Curious what gauge/length pin you plan to use and location(s) of pins?