Feeling Bad 1 day after sustanon 250 injection


New Member

I've been prescribed sustanon 250 by my doctor for hypogonadism (TRT).

my T level was 343 ng/dl (245 - 800)
and my FT was 8.5 pg/ml (8.6 - 55)

I took my 1º shot yesterday, at a local nursing center (so it was done right)

After about 1 hour i began feeling some positive subtle effects:
my muscles became hardened up and started aching, my joints also began aching, my digestion started working and appetite increased, my penis became fuller and oddly i started sensing a weird taste in my mouth and some soar throat. Later that night I had a little bit more libido.

But now, the day after, all those effects are gone, and i'm feeling like crap, just like i did before taking the shot, depressed, cold, lowered libido, weak and not hungry at all.

I'm really freaking out! and need some help

Anyone ever experienced something similar while using sustanon ?

Any input is very appreciated, i'm really really freaked out, don't know what to do :( sick of feeling like this.
I'm writing this here because you guys probably have much more experience with sustanon then the members on the TRT section of the forum.

thanks in advance,
Zoss You should probably take this situation over to the guys in the mens health forum because alot of them are actually on TRT.

This sounds like It might be all in your head, I would give it a few more days and a few more injections before jumping to conclusions.

However If you really do feel like shit and there are significant physical ailments then I would have to say go to your doctor and get checked out.
man you shouldnt be feeling bad lol. I would be the happiest kid to be scripted to sus. You got one of the best test to use out there and script too so you know it's not fake gear!! As for your lipdo you should be wanting to fuck every second!!

Other then that ENJOY YOUR RIDE:D
Dont forget, your taking a test mixture.....you wont really feel anything from it until about week 2/3 some of the first things you will notice are increased libido and forearm pumps
Dont forget, your taking a test mixture.....you wont really feel anything from it until about week 2/3 some of the first things you will notice are increased libido and forearm pumps

Ok i'll keep that in mind, thanks.

I'm 100% sure the initial effect of sustanon wasn't psychological.

so was just thinking that this could have happened because the propionate ester kicked in quickly, exerted some beneficial effect and suppressed my initial low T, but wasn't enough to replace it. (it's only30mg) and the other longer esters haven't kicked in yet, so i'm left with low T.

does this make sense? is it possible ?
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Prop isn't going to kick in after pinning that fast.

What brand of sustanon are you using currently?

I'm using legit Sustanon 250 from organon. The version sold in my country is called Sustenon 250.

Are you sure that's completely impossible to feel a even a little tiny effect after a few hours of pinning Prop? If this is so... i really don't know what is happening to me :(
Yeah, im pretty damn sure about that prop bro, this stuff needs to get into your system and circulate + build up for a little while before you feel it, and that wont happen in a few hours.

You didnt cough at all did you?
Yeah, im pretty damn sure about that prop bro, this stuff needs to get into your system and circulate + build up for a little while before you feel it, and that wont happen in a few hours.

You didnt cough at all did you?

Not full blown cough but i did have strange liquid metal taste in my mouth and soar throat kind of like some sense of scratching in my throat that needed clearing.

does it mean something ?
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Well it was just a thought becuase sometimes you can cough after an injection due to high amounts of BA in your gear. The body tries to expel it through the lungs, it happens pretty quick then its gone. This is more commonly known as "tren cough" but it isn't only in regards to tren. However you shouldnt have issues with this because you have human grade gear.

Did you aspirate to make sure you didnt hit a vein?
Well it was just a thought becuase sometimes you can cough after an injection due to high amounts of BA in your gear. The body tries to expel it through the lungs, it happens pretty quick then its gone. This is more commonly known as "tren cough" but it isn't only in regards to tren. However you shouldnt have issues with this because you have human grade gear.

Did you aspirate to make sure you didnt hit a vein?

I didn't do the injection, it was a very experienced nurse (an old dude), so i don't know, but i suppose he did.

anyway, i guess the best thing to do is to see what will happen during the next few days.

thanks for your concern Renegade in trying to help me out.

Look up sustanon flu and see if that sounds right. It's somewhat common for people to get flu-like symptoms initially with sustanon because there's so much fluctuation of your hormones with sustanon.
Look up sustanon flu and see if that sounds right. It's somewhat common for people to get flu-like symptoms initially with sustanon because there's so much fluctuation of your hormones with sustanon.

I'll see about that, thanks for your reply.

Renegade is probably right i'll have to wait until week 2 or 3 to feel something significant. Is that the time it takes for the decanoate ester to make effect ?

Decanoate is also the ester in nandrolone(deca-durabolin) right? and I keep reading it takes some guys 4 to 6 weeks to start feeling it, so i suspect it's the same for Testosterone decanoate
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