Feeling great during PCT after 30 week cycle


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I just finished the first week of pct and I feel great!

My cycle was 30 weeks (I know, I know)

week 1-20- test cyp 500mg, week 20-26 test cyp 250mg then tapered it for week 26-29 to 125mg
week 1-20- eq 600mg
week 8-16- anavar 40-60mg

I got lucky for pct I was able to get pharmaceutical grade stuff.

16 days after my last cyp shot I started

HCG- 2,000 i.u. EOD for a total of 20 shots
clomid- 50mg twice per day for 30 days
nolva- 40mg per day for 45 days
RC Aromasn- 12.5mg EOD
HCGENERATE- 5 caps per day
fishoil-10g per day
vitamin D3- 7,000 iu every morning.

So far I feel great, strengths and pumps are good sleep is good. The only thing I can say is I wake up tired but once I am up Im good to go.

Following the updated Michael Scally power PCT protocol. However I am contemplating whether to cut clomid dose to 50mg and nolva to 20mg daily for weeks 3-4 then continue pct for 2 more weeks at 25mg clomid, 10mg nolva.
DR.Scally can you please chime in on my post, as members comments on other forums are making me nervous. I posted the same thing on another forum and got bashed with forum members saying I will start feeling like shit and hit a brick wall in the next few weeks. Can someone comment? I am doing Scally's power pct.

I just noticed I wrote in my original post HCG 2,000 iu for 20 shots, I meant 10 shots.

I was also told to run clomid and nolva like this

"If I were you, I would do:

Clomid 50/50/50/50/25/25
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20/20/20"

Why is it suggested to run Clomid 100mg for 30 days, instead of dosing like this?
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Your test cyp can keep your levels elevated for over a month at the doses you were running I believe. Your recovery might not have even started yet... Give it some time before you decide you're out of the woods.
So far today was my 5th shot of HCG, my balls are back to normal already from the tiny little raisins they were during my cycle.

I hope Dr.Scally can chime in on my cycle and pct as it would take alot of stress of me.

Also why is it recommended to run clomid 100mg for 4 weeks, when everywhere else it says clomid 100mg is bad and to run it 50mg.

I hope my PCT is good so I can recover. I am 29 and this was my first AAS cycle (previously did prohormones once a year)
Running the hcg with the clomid is pointless. Hcg keeps you suppressed.... Should've ran it while waiting for the cyp to clear.
I was under the impression that after the cyp clears to run hcg, clomid and nolva together.

Should I continue my pct but lower the clomid and nolva dose and extend to 6 weeks? Any recommendations? I hope I didnt mess up terribly.

I wish DR.Scally would come in this thread =)
I'd run the serms for at least four weeks after the hcg. Ideally you get a blood test at that point and check where you're at. My levels then are normally around 900tt. If you're levels are low continue on the serm. If they're alright come off and give it a couple more months then retest. At this point my levels are generally around 450tt. The serm doubles my test. Hopefully this is as low as they drop and you are recovered... Won't know for sure I guess unless you give it a few more months after then retest but I think most hop back on at this point.
I'd run the serms for at least four weeks after the hcg. Ideally you get a blood test at that point and check where you're at. My levels then are normally around 900tt. If you're levels are low continue on the serm. If they're alright come off and give it a couple more months then retest. At this point my levels are generally around 450tt. The serm doubles my test. Hopefully this is as low as they drop and you are recovered... Won't know for sure I guess unless you give it a few more months after then retest but I think most hop back on at this point.

1)Wouldn't it be better to get blood work done 1 month after the serms end this way they have full time to clear my system?

2)"If levels are low continue the serm"... you mean restart the serm as there will be a gap between bloodwork and restarting serm if needed?
1)Wouldn't it be better to get blood work done 1 month after the serms end this way they have full time to clear my system?

2)"If levels are low continue the serm"... you mean restart the serm as there will be a gap between bloodwork and restarting serm if needed?
No test after four weeks of using serms. Then, if levels are good test again a couple of months after discontinuing serms.