Female anavar cycle 5 weeks in, starting cut


New Member
Hi guys, I'm a 24 yr old female finishing up my mini 5 week bulk cycle and now beginning my cut for the next 5 weeks. Im taking 10mg of anavar daily the whole 10 weeks split in 2 doses split am and preworkout pm. I'm 5'2, my starting weight was 136 with 25% bodyfat. I have gone up to 144 while dropping down to 22%. I have been consuming 2-2.3k calories during these 5 weeks. My macros were roughly 140g protein 180g carbs and 28g fat. I want to start my cut and was wondering what would be a good calorie deficit to drop to?

My big three lifts have have gone from:

Bench: 65 Lbs. - 100 lbs.

Squat: 95 Lbs. - 185 lbs.

Deadlifts: 95 Lbs. - 205 lbs.

I also had some questions in regards to if its normal feeling so drain and tired most of the day? I drink a lot of water throughout the day normally a gallon. Also, is Having a lot of pain on my clitoris normal? I was hoping some of the girls on here might have some input on these questions
@GearGodess can help you out. It's probably not out of the ordinary... You're dieting which causes the drained feeling and pain isn't something I've heard of in the clit but sensitivity increase is more common. Hang in there she'll drop in shortly I'm sure.

PS welcome to meso. There has been a big influx of female members lately so you're in good company!
She's currently bulking, hasn't started her cut yet. And she's feeling drained. Not sure how that would cause a drain in energy
Your strength gains are amazing!
I'm getting ready to run var for the first time myself. It's nice to see more women becoming active here in MESO.
I can't say from experience, but based on all the research I've done, clit sensitivity is normal. I've never read anything about pain though. The fact that you described it as "a lot of pain" concerns me a little bit. How long has it been since it started hurting you? Is it constant?
Maybe you should try to reduce your dose and see if it persists.
you've already made pretty good gains in 5 weeks, but if you are experiencing unpleasant side effects it may be risky to keep running the same dose? Ultimately, only you can decide who much you wanna push it and how unpleasant the sides you're experiencing are. Definately, listen to your body. Remember that with aas more is not always best and even though 10 mgs is still a relatively low dose, we all respond differently to it.
Hopefully women with more experience can give you some feedback.
Keep us posted :)
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Feeling tired and drained is something I can vouch for - never in my life has food and water been such a non-negotiable. I'm 8 days in and I finally feel great most of the time. But my body puts up alarm bells really quickly and intensely when it needs food/water/rest. I chalk it up to the intense training and subsequent repair...on steroids, haha. I just make sure I have a lot of lean protein snacks around like cottage cheese, greek yogurt, protein powder, cans of tuna/chicken breast, Quest Bars, jerkey, and bananas for a bit of sugar, and dig in once I feel crappy. Carbs in controlled but consistent quantities has helped. Powerade zero has also been a godsend. I feel instantly better with electrolytes.

As for clitoral pain, I havent even had enlargement or sensitivity, even with the taper up to 10mg. Sorry!
Sorry for the delay.. thanks @Eman :)

Well the feeling of drained, no energy, etc... it definitely sounds like your diet needs to be adjusted... Also how much cardio are you doing? I truly and firmly believe and stand by this 1,000,000%...var can be tricky for us ladies... you are running 10mg with is still fine as we can go up to 20mg a day. Plus you have been on for 5 weeks already and still no sides... you have put on quite a bit of weight though, var isn't quite so common for that much weight gain in just over 5 weeks... seems like a lot to me. As for the pain in the lady parts... that doesn't sound like a var issue, sensitivity is definitely and maybe a slight enlargement (but don't worry, it's not as bad as it sounds)...I would definitely go and check that out as I have never experienced, nor have I had anyone who experienced actual pain from it, just sensitivity.

This sounds like it's totally unrelated to gear, maybe you developed a cyst? OR are you still taking birth control pills during? OR maybe your estrogen levels are 'fighting' so maybe have that checked as usually if too high, you will feel tired, drained, or lethargic and even depressed. OR you're simply over doing it too fast and even though you got great lifting numbers, maybe back off a little, your body is wanting to rest.
Ok then if that's good...then diet needs to be adjusted and possibly the other issues I mentioned in my previous post
If she bulked after coming off caloric deficit or very low carb dieting, it could be the cause of rapid weight gain. The replenishment of glycogen stores, water weight from hormones, creatine...when I bulked after cutting, I put on 10 lbs without any gear. My clothes all fit the same, but I was just fuller and stronger.
What diet changes would you recommend @GearGodess ? The sensitivity, it's not so much pain, she says it's just extremely sensitive and it was probably sore from the extra sex we've been having. She is supposed to be starting her period right around now and she was wondering if this might have something to do with it? She is still on her birth control, should she drop it? I have been pushing her hard at the gym since I have been seeing gray improvements. As far as weight, she had put on a lot of good weight and lost fat in the process but I have been making sure she force feeds her self. She had been that weight before in the past when she would cross fit. I know all of this cus she's my fiance and she would be asking herself but she's been really busy with work, so I'm doing in the gaps for the questions.
If she bulked after coming off caloric deficit or very low carb dieting, it could be the cause of rapid weight gain. The replenishment of glycogen stores, water weight from hormones, creatine...when I bulked after cutting, I put on 10 lbs without any gear. My clothes all fit the same, but I was just fuller and stronger.
It was the opposite, she bulked on var the first 5 weeks, she is more studying her cut this week