Female anavar trouble

Jace the ace

New Member
My gf is on her second cycle of anavar at 10mg per day she is running it for 7 weeks, her first cycle was 10mgs a day for 5 weeks, she splits 5mg day and 5mg night. She went with the time on time off approach because women don't need pct, but now that she has started anavar again she has had like 4 periods in the span of 1.5-2 months, I thought anavar eliminates periods for a certain amount of time but both cycles she had periods just irregular. I assume 4 periods in a short time isn't good and it's messing with her mood (hormonal change) my idea is she went back on to soon, anyone else got an idea?
to soon has nothing to do with it. she is taking an AAS, her hormones are going to be jacked up. apparently she isn't taking enough to shut her menstrual cycle down, just having her menstrual cycle messed up.

are you sure it is Var and not something else like Dbol?
to soon has nothing to do with it. she is taking an AAS, her hormones are going to be jacked up. apparently she isn't taking enough to shut her menstrual cycle down, just having her menstrual cycle messed up.

are you sure it is Var and not something else like Dbol?
That was my first thought that it was dbol and it was adding extra estro which made her periods more common, I got it from a trusted source of mine, everything I have gotten has been legit and what I wanted. I think it is legit because her gains are very dry she is not very bloated, or retaining water roughly same weight leaner and stronger
Check out the anabolic harm reduction that this page offers, checking to see if the compounds that are in whatever are legit and (if you want) try and find a new source.

Usually anavar is faked a lot & it can be mixed with either dbol or winstrol or even both and this is just my opinion but maybe the var she's taking is mixed with other compounds.

Either way she's taking AAS which isn't even specifically made for girls to take in all honesty, so weird things are probably going to be experienced when taking AAS as a female but all I can say is if you're worried just pay attention & write it all down if you have too,

An share it with more intelligent members on here because ngl on the irregular period thing you're talking about i have no clue if that's even dangerous or not so on another note I just wanna say good luck and be safe
While women don't benefit from PCT in the traditional sense they may need to cycle BCP periodically during off intervals to re-synchronize their menses and/or ovulation

So what your GF cycled some Var and her "periods" are now intermittent when doing so.

I mean why is this so shocking your changing her hormonal environment from estrogenic to androgenic yet not modifying her female genotype. Want proof ask Catlyn:)

Fella this is WHAT HAPPENS to some females when using AAS, mood swings and unexpected physiologic changes, better get accustomed to it, lol!

Another point some have already mentioned, gals should ONLY use PH grade AAS for these reasons,IMO
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I should also add amenorrhea (defined as the absence of menses for > 6 months) is associated with many of the long term hypoestrogenemic consequences as it is in males.

That is primarily bone loss and less than desirable lipid changes.

Consequently females like males in their reproductive years should use AAS OFF INTERVALS, to help normalize endocrine function.

And those females who do not have a normal return of menses after some 4-6 months should undergo a formal evaluation.
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