Fertility Protocol while on TRT

Hey guys,

I am looking to wake up my testicles in order to regain testicular size and fertility. I understand that the easiest and quickest solution is to drop the TRT and start SERM treatment. I have been on TRT for a while now and am perfectly dialed in with testosterone undecanoate and don't want to drop it. So please do not suggest me to do so.

I've been thinking about:
HMG 150iu 3x per week
HCG 250iu 3x per week

TRT is:
125mg Testosterone Undecanoate (Nebido) e7d (which constantly puts me at 900-1000 ng/dL with e2 being at 30-40 ng/dl). I feel great on it.

1. What dose HMG/HCG would you suggest while being on TRT to reverse testicular atrophy (nuts got very small) and fertility?
2. Money is not an issue for me, so I could afford to run only HMG. Do you think HCG is even needed if HMG is dosed sufficiently high?
3. Would you introduce an AI once HMG and/or HCG is in?

Many Thanks for your input!

I’m not sure you need to go much above 75iu of hmg 3x a week but if you got the money, it probably won’t hurt your chances lol. Hcg should be a lot higher imo. Like 1000 3x a week. That’s what I was running last time my wife got pregnant and it’s what I’m doing right now for the past 3 weeks.

As far as ai… pull bloods and see if you need it.
Anything from 150-225IU of hmg per week is enough. I would rather go by daily injections than 3 big doses.

Yes, for fertility hcg and hmg are both recommended, don't waste your time and money by only taking one of them. They both play their part in bringing up fertility.
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Yes, would do both if you have the means. HCG is great but the typical 250I.U 2-3X/week isn't always a guarantee you'll remain fertile. I used it 2x a week at 250-500I.U for the 9 years i was on TRT. Sperm count came back at 0 this past august. Now on Clomid/HCG from the fertility clinic..3 months in and hoping for good news when i test again in January.

Fertility has a lot to do with age, genetics, and time on/dose of Testosterone from what the urologist told me. I dont blame you for wanting to stay on. Had i not been in my early 40's when trying for a kid i would of stayed on too. Time isn't on my side so i had to come off.

Run your protocol and then make sure to get a semen analysis done. That will let you know if you've got swimmers and how they look/function/move. Then you can plan accordingly once you know where you stand. Best of luck and keep us posted.
Thanks guys!

I am on TRT for 5+ years now, I am quite sure my testicles have undergone some damage because I haven't used HCG/HMG for the vast majority of the time. I stopped TRT once and have done high doses HCG during that time and got my test levels back to 600 ng/dl during that time.

I'll start with 250iu HCG and 75iu HMG 3x per week, will first increase HCG to 500iu and then HMG to 75iu every day if I don't respond. Fortunately, I am not in a hurry and can approach this slowly.

Time will tell.

If anyone has some more input, I really appreciate it.

Aside from fertility standpoint:
Once I got some testicle size back and just want to prevent atrophy, what dose of HCG would you recommend?
Yes, would do both if you have the means. HCG is great but the typical 250I.U 2-3X/week isn't always a guarantee you'll remain fertile. I used it 2x a week at 250-500I.U for the 9 years i was on TRT. Sperm count came back at 0 this past august. Now on Clomid/HCG from the fertility clinic..3 months in and hoping for good news when i test again in January.

Fertility has a lot to do with age, genetics, and time on/dose of Testosterone from what the urologist told me. I dont blame you for wanting to stay on. Had i not been in my early 40's when trying for a kid i would of stayed on too. Time isn't on my side so i had to come off.

Run your protocol and then make sure to get a semen analysis done. That will let you know if you've got swimmers and how they look/function/move. Then you can plan accordingly once you know where you stand. Best of luck and keep us posted.
Have you gotten your test results back? Curious to hear the results.
Have you gotten your test results back? Curious to hear the results.
I drop off a 2nd semen sample this friday and due for bloodwork in early February. My initial bloodwork was decent my total test was 377 after a little less than a month on clomid(after 9 years of trt) and both my LH and FSH were back on line and within normal ranges. Hoping to get some good news on the S.A in a few days. B.W im not as concerned with as i plan to go back on TRT anyway. I feel pretty decent, haven't lost much strength. Have noticed some muscle loss and a tad of fat gain but thats to be expected when your total T goes from 1400 to sub 400 lol. Biggest issues i have is trouble staying asleep on Clomid. No crazies or vision issues, no emotion crazed sadness..just very light sleep and waking up 2-5 times a night. Im combating that by going to bed earlier lol. I'll post a thread once i get my results back in the next week or so!
Yes, would do both if you have the means. HCG is great but the typical 250I.U 2-3X/week isn't always a guarantee you'll remain fertile. I used it 2x a week at 250-500I.U for the 9 years i was on TRT. Sperm count came back at 0 this past august. Now on Clomid/HCG from the fertility clinic..3 months in and hoping for good news when i test again in January.
Interesting, whats your sperm count now?
29 million on the sperm count, good motility, and morphology within range. P.A i spoke with advised me anything over 20 mil is a good count. Im dropping another sample off today and we'll be freezing that as a back up
That’s great news. I always run Hcg with test in hopes if I do wanna have a third kid it will help I guess. Plus it’s nice not having shriveled raisins.
I drop off a 2nd semen sample this friday and due for bloodwork in early February. My initial bloodwork was decent my total test was 377 after a little less than a month on clomid(after 9 years of trt) and both my LH and FSH were back on line and within normal ranges. Hoping to get some good news on the S.A in a few days. B.W im not as concerned with as i plan to go back on TRT anyway. I feel pretty decent, haven't lost much strength. Have noticed some muscle loss and a tad of fat gain but thats to be expected when your total T goes from 1400 to sub 400 lol. Biggest issues i have is trouble staying asleep on Clomid. No crazies or vision issues, no emotion crazed sadness..just very light sleep and waking up 2-5 times a night. Im combating that by going to bed earlier lol. I'll post a thread once i get my results back in the next week or so!
Are you using clomid only? What dose?
Gotchya. I’ve been on 100 test, 75iu hmg 3x week and 1k hcg 3x a week. Just dropped test, upped hmg to 75iu eod and added 25mg clomid.
Nice, surest path to victory is to drop the test like you've done. Some guys can run low dose test and add in clomid/hcg/hmg and get a decent sperm count, others like me had to come off completely. It sucked mentally for a few weeks yet when my blood pressure dropped 5-10 points and hematocrit by 10 points it felt like my body needed the break. Being off for almost 5 months now i'm really considering whether i want to go back to TRT or just run 1-2 small test cycles a year and recover. At some point once the mrs is pregnant i'm goin to drop the hcg/clomid and redraw labs to see where im at. Im really hoping the urologist will work with me if TRT is the way forward. There are PLENTY of TRT clinics here in the northeast but i'd rather use them as a last line of defense!

Best of luck with your protocol. Keep us posted. Should have everything back online in roughly 3 months. I believe thats how long it takes sperm to mature and be ready for action.