Fertility Protocol while on TRT

Hey guys,

I am looking to wake up my testicles in order to regain testicular size and fertility. I understand that the easiest and quickest solution is to drop the TRT and start SERM treatment. I have been on TRT for a while now and am perfectly dialed in with testosterone undecanoate and don't want to drop it. So please do not suggest me to do so.

I've been thinking about:
HMG 150iu 3x per week
HCG 250iu 3x per week

TRT is:
125mg Testosterone Undecanoate (Nebido) e7d (which constantly puts me at 900-1000 ng/dL with e2 being at 30-40 ng/dl). I feel great on it.

1. What dose HMG/HCG would you suggest while being on TRT to reverse testicular atrophy (nuts got very small) and fertility?
2. Money is not an issue for me, so I could afford to run only HMG. Do you think HCG is even needed if HMG is dosed sufficiently high?
3. Would you introduce an AI once HMG and/or HCG is in?

Many Thanks for your input!

This is awesome news! I have been running TRT for years (as well as blasting in prior years). In the back of my mind have obviously had the fertility concerns but good to know there are some protocols to help!
Somewhere at the end of that protocol a sperm count needs to be done as a check on its success or failure. Since the OP was written, the amount of time that's passed is getting close to the time for spermatogenesis - so I'd say he's close to the time to have a semen analysis done.

The ability to recover fertility can vary a lot from one man to another.