It wasn't this, btw. I spoke to him, and the supps are not affiliated with ProM. What it was, was, basically "You can't fire me because I quit," or the reverse as the case would have it, by ProM leadership.
I'd say there's a long list other than telling a guy not to buy "BS Supplements":
1. "Esteemed" member: what you post is usually considered the "Gold Standard" on AAS & hGH;
2. Articles with "Brilliant" fact pattern and "Logical" summation;
3. "Effective" coaching;
5. Really cool podcasts;
6. Soon to be author of a highly awaited book.
IMO, you're book has enlarged the target on your back exponentially. As a published "author," you are now on the next level, and you're already at the "top of your game." There is a lot of clout that comes with authoring a book—of likely heavy science & experimentation (basing that on all your articles & post history)—in an otherwise arcane area.
Dan Douchane & Bill Phillips were "unknown" until they authored a book,
The Underground Steroid Handbook and
Anabolic Reference Guide, respectively. Now, it's the age of
Of course, those "haters" at PM are going to try to stop your momentum... you're going to make a bigger impact on their "bottom-line" than you think. EVERYONE is going to discuss and debate
Bolus for the next several years. What you say—as it is now—will be the "Gold Standard," including supplements... and, probably knee wraps and underwear too.
I think PM made a "Checkers" mistake on very complex "Chess" board. They should be kissing your ass instead of pissing you off. It will only hurt them in the long-run... readership & financially.