Finasteride and Minoxidil 3-month Results


New Member
Hi Everyone,

I know a big discussion here is the side effects of test and other anabolics on hair, such as male pattern baldness acceleration, and mitigating factors to address this.

TLDR: topical 5% minoxidil and prescribed 5mg daily of finasteride has had the pictured effects over three months: June to September, even while using Test Prop and Enth (210mg weekly) and MK-667 (20 mg daily).

(June 2024)

(September 2024)

A bit of background first: I had a bad motorcycle accident in 2023 and had to have wrist surgery. I got a post-operative MRSA infection that then ate part of my dorsal nerve and all of the cartilage in my right dominant hand. I had to have two more surgeries, including a full wrist fusion, as a result. I am 28 and was always in ok shape (Airborne Infantry US Army 4 years) but the surgeries and recovery, plus extensive opiate pain killers (40-60mg of Oxy and 1200-2400mg Gabapentin) took quite a toll on my health, including my hair, but especially my test levels.

I currently live in North Eastern Europe (due to Ukraine war, I am a military contractor) where TRT is quite difficult to get, so I decided to go the unprescribed route for TRT. I had significant hair loss, and a history of male pattern baldness in my family on my mother’s side, so I was concerned it would accelerate it. I started in July with my TRT and at the same time got topical minoxidil 5% (available here without prescription) and oral finasteride 5mg (legit prescription). I apply minoxidil twice per day and take finasteride each morning. I have also derma rolled and taken hair health multivitamins.

The results are not super extraordinary, but for those without hair loss, I hope that the pictures at least give insight into the fact that it is possible to quite easily mitigate the possible side effects of anabolics with some easy to use interventions. The earlier, the better.

Thanks for your time. Hope this helps.
