First Blast of Blast and Cruise, Help?


New Member
Hello all, lurker of many forums here. First time poster.
Background: ~8-9 Years of lifting, ~4 Years of serious diet and programmed lifting. Age 23
I’ve been on “TRT” for the past 4-5 months (I was in the double digits for total testosterone from age 20 up and I had done no PED, drugs, ect. to affect it before hand)

Current Cruise:
Monday: 1mg Anastrozole
Tuesday: 500 IU HCG
Wednesday: 160mg Test Cyp, 100mg Deca
Thursday: 1mg Anastrozole
Saturday: 500 IU HCG
Sunday: 160mg Test Cyp, 100mg Deca

Blast Thoughts: (12 Week to finish bulk before starting to cut) (Been bulking on the cruise dose since I started)
Monday: 1mg Anastrozole
Tuesday: 500 IU HCG
Wednesday: 300mg Test Cyp, 200mg Deca
Thursday: 1mg Anastrozole
Saturday: 500 IU HCG
Sunday: 300mg Test Cyp, 200mg Deca

The deca is primarily for joints as I have had a couple accidents near the end of high school coupled with a terrible weightlifting coach in high school that pretty well let us destroy our shoulders, shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles have all taken pretty nasty hits. I had it at 100 twice a week to hopefully also reap the benefit of added muscle mass since I had read somewhere that it takes up to 26 weeks for it to add any muscle mass.

As for the AI. I have heard not much is really necessary.
While cruising would it be advisable to take .25mg (cutting a tablet into fours) a day after injections? I thought it was around 24 hours after injecting that aromatization was at its highest?
While blasting would it be advisable to take .5mg (cutting a tablet into halves) a day after injections?
I got my labs done at around 90 days and I had Estradiol, Sensitive @ 21.5pg/ml (8.0-35 was the range). This was based on my “Cruising” info above.

I’m still fairly newbish on everything but especially on AIs. Any recommendations based on my thoughts?
First and foremost do you have bloodwork to compare to your baseline test levels that you said were in double digits versus you taking 320mg of cyp per week and versus you taking 600mg of cyp per week?
First and foremost do you have bloodwork to compare to your baseline test levels that you said were in double digits versus you taking 320mg of cyp per week and versus you taking 600mg of cyp per week?

I have bloodwork to compare my baseline to my 320mg of cyp per week. Nothing looks to concerning to me. My AST and ALT levels have always been high and I think thats due to the fact of my constant intense weightlifting and higher protein diet.

Cholesterol was also still within its normal ranges.
That's reassuring.
What caused the low t condition?
Pituitary ?
Gonad problem?
That's reassuring.
What caused the low t condition?
Pituitary ?
Gonad problem?
We looked into all my lab work. Everything came back normal from pituitary to thyroid function. I believe my grandfather also suffered from Low T so I think it may have just been a genetics thing.
I have bloodwork to compare my baseline to my 320mg of cyp per week. Nothing looks to concerning to me. My AST and ALT levels have always been high and I think thats due to the fact of my constant intense weightlifting and higher protein diet.

Cholesterol was also still within its normal ranges.
I was more or less curious how that dose raised your testosterone levels compared to your baseline levels. To maybe get more of an idea for a range to use for a blast. But as @Burrr suggested whatever you choose to do I would keep your physician informed as well and get blood work regularly.

Also when it comes to the deca due to its half life I’d only pin it once a week. I can’t see any dramatic differences but if you wanna split it by all means. Split it.

What exactly do you have in mind now for your “blast”.
I could be wrong, but the story is a little out of whack. In high school your test levels are high enough to lift heavy and destroy your knees Etc, to be an athlete, but now you're down to double digits about the same as your sister?

Sesame just like another case of wrecked endocrine system at an early age.
Enjoy the blast and cruise, I'm sure you'll have everything dialed in by the time you're my age
I was more or less curious how that dose raised your testosterone levels compared to your baseline levels. To maybe get more of an idea for a range to use for a blast. But as @Burrr suggested whatever you choose to do I would keep your physician informed as well and get blood work regularly.

Also when it comes to the deca due to its half life I’d only pin it once a week. I can’t see any dramatic differences but if you wanna split it by all means. Split it.

What exactly do you have in mind now for your “blast”.

@Burr Ive gotten fairly lean and good looking (so I've been told, I'm always super critical of myself) while having the Low T. Maintaining the look was pure misery. It was all the side effects of it as well. I hated almost every day. Mood was total shit. I would basically lay down at every debate point in my life because I didn't want to put fourth the effort to argue. Had no drive what so ever. Sex drive gone. The knees, hips, and ankle are the result of a vehicle accident right after highschool. The shoulders were more of what got destroyed in highschool due to poor weightlifting teaching. The same as my sister thing was more of an exagerated joke but as I recall my last total testosterone result was 89.

@FourOneDeuxFitt My total test went from 89 up to 1836 which i agree is way to high for a cruise. I'm probably going to do the blast as is. When I go back to cruising I plan to drop my test to 180-200 and see how i feel. I'm going to do some research into the long term effects of Deca and as long as it doesnt look bad I will probably drop that to 50-100.
Yeah. 1836 is def a bit high for a cruise haha but none the less for a blast is still not a bad number to build muscle paired with solid nutrition and training.
Yeah. 1836 is def a bit high for a cruise haha but none the less for a blast is still not a bad number to build muscle paired with solid nutrition and training.

My diet is rediculously clean. Baked skinless chicken, green beans, brown rice, cauliflower, asparagus, mushrooms, blueberries, strawberries, fage 2% yogurt, steel cut oats, ground cinnamon, paprika, boiled eggs, mustard, Macrolution Protein Powder, ReKaged Protein Powder, Animal Pak, Animal Omega, 1.75-2 gallons of water a day, hydracharge and mio (water flavor). I tend to gain weight fairly easily (I was one of those heavyset fellows in middle and highschool) so I try to maintain a fairly clean diet and not let my weight fly out of control. Currently at ~3000 cals on cardio only days and ~3400 on weight training days. 4 days of heavy weight lifting a week and I make sure to get around 6-9 miles worht of steps in a day.


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