First cycle advice for BB & cycling

Thanks for reply mate. I am/was affraid of estrogen side effects cause ive been fat kid, got lean(ish) during highschool years, then got fat again and lean(ish) again. As aromatise enzymes are in fat tissue (correct me if im wrong, im no expert), i have chance to aromatise at higher rate than somebody that havent been fat, ever.

Im not looking for massive size gains, which could be a bit weird for many people here but i really dont wanna be heavy again. My knees are in bad shape from psoriasis and years on corticosteroids, beeing under 90kg is my end goal. I dont wanna be too heavy, muscle or fat.

Plan to cut without drugs, i dont think its needed for me at this stage. Done that already, i have discipline for it.

My plan was to go for 250mg/week of test c split between 2 shots. After 8-10 weeks maybe increase, to 300-350mg. Tbh i would rather go for lower dose, see my reaction and go for longer cycle. Maybe cruise after, thats also posibility.

With 20-24 week cycle, how often should i do blood work? Every 6-8 weeks or more/less often?
we are the same height. and i got fairly lean at 80kg after 1 year of training natty. i suppose you shouldnt jump on at all. if you're feeling bad due to low test, try a trt protocol of anywhere between 100-150mg with bloodtests every 6 months or so:) on cycle every 2-3 months. also get a full bloodtest before jumping on at all so you have your baseline to compare to
200-300mg per week should get you decently above the top of the reference range. No need to add anything else to that for a first time. You shouldn’t see too much negative in bloodwork, just make sure to check it regularly. Estradiol is probably the biggest thing to check. This is pretty damn near TRT. You’ll get a lot from this for a while. Be patient.
200-300mg per week should get you decently above the top of the reference range. No need to add anything else to that for a first time. You shouldn’t see too much negative in bloodwork, just make sure to check it regularly. Estradiol is probably the biggest thing to check. This is pretty damn near TRT. You’ll get a lot from this for a while. Be patient.
Tnx, not interested in other compounds tbh.
Bloods before cycle for sure, than 6 or 8 weeks after start, with test c ester?

After that, every 8 weeks i think?
Only problem with this that i dont have option to go for ultra sensitive e2 test.