my personal opinion is a 17 year old that "has ran deca and tren" cycles should be smart enough to know that recommending a 6 week oral kickstart of Drol for a first cycle is irresponsible
Can you do it? sure
But personally i think it's unnecessary at this stage of the game and the better way to run it would be 4 weeks at a higher dosage if you feel the need. Or 3-4 in the front take a break and maybe throw another couple weeks on the end....but there again what do I know? other than the fact when I ran it in August I dropped it early bc my hairline retreated and sprouted back on my lats. You wanna get risky man get risky...I do, its your body your choice. But don't recommend it to new guys as "advice", be more conservative when taking others health and well being in to consideration.