First cycle advice


New Member
Hello All.

I am looking for some advice that’s less gerneralised and more personalised. I’m
Age 24. Height 5’11”. Weight 54.6kg.
I’ve always been pretty lean, I grew up doing Martial Arts and was kept from going over 65kg for my weight class. I stopped at age 21 and got into lifting soon after, I’ve made no time in the past year and watched all progress waste away. I decided to start lifting again and get my diet in check and hop on my first cycle 250mg test e weekly 20mg Dbol daily. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks for your time guys.
You don't need drugs. You need to eat lots of red meat. This is a diet issue. You could put on 15-20 kgs easily without touching aas.
I have done this in the past eating red meat with all main meals. At my best I went from around 56kg to 63kg and that’s most I’ve ever weighed. I have an extremely fast metabolism and struggle a lot with even mainting a consistent weight.