First Cycle Age 40


New Member
I turn 40 4-1 and have worked out for 20 years. 5'9" 175lbs. i am doing a 10 week cycle 200 Deca per week, 300 Test Eth. per week, 50 winstrol a day, plus I am taking Taxilom (sp) every 3 days, I also have the post cycle stuff, what can I expect? Any thoughts? Thank you in advance for any responses. Brent
I turn 40 4-1 and have worked out for 20 years. 5'9" 175lbs. i am doing a 10 week cycle 200 Deca per week, 300 Test Eth. per week, 50 winstrol a day, plus I am taking Taxilom (sp) every 3 days, I also have the post cycle stuff, what can I expect? Any thoughts? Thank you in advance for any responses. Brent

Since its your first cycle, and if you eat right, you could put on 20-25 lbs.
When I say eat right I mean: For a guy your size. 300gms protein below.
The Eating is 60% of why roids work well with training.
I'm almost 50yo and know if I don't eat right not much happens.

Meal 1, 5 egg whites, and 1 whole egg, 1 cup oatmeal

1 hour Pre-Workout, 1 scoop protein mix

Workout Train for an hour

Post-Workout, 2 scoops of protein mix

1hr later Meal 2, 7 oz. of chicken with 2 cups of rice or potatoes.

Meal 3, 7 oz. of meat with 2 cups of rice.

Meal 4, 7 oz. of fish, one cup of vegetables and 2 slices of healthy bread.

Before bed, 2 scoops Protein mix and 1 cup oatmeal

You can throw in some fruit anytime.

7 oz meat is not that much if you weigh it out.
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How long are you planning on running the Winny? Dont run it longer than 4-6 weeks. It is too harsh on the liver. And just like Role said, diet is EVERYTHING. Eat right, train right, rest right, and come off right and you will be happy with your results