I stumbled across this great site as part of my research and have lurked a little.
I am early 50's and have never taken PEDs but I think I might like to. Want to find out more.
I am late to the party in terms of sport. I have a very physical job and had a fun time in the outdoors over the years but now I would like to run. I am just starting a bit late at a time when the extremities are weakening from age anyway and recovery is slower. That on top of wear and tear from the job have left me taking baby steps to avoid injury. Its been over 2 years now and I am starting to think -could I get more strength to avoid the injuries, then actually train properly like other keen guys my age?
I know what a good runner does -I have runners in the family who have represented the country. I have a kid who is a regional champion and a sibling who has treated dozens of Olympians for their problems but then there is me, letting the side down, stuck doing 20 miles a week and only a few harder sessions. That's a long way from where I started 27 months ago (fat and with chronic over use injuries decades old, probably couldn't run half a mile) but its not where I wish I could be. Is there a way to get where I want to go before I am too old to do it anyway?
No serious runner I have met wants to openly talk PEDs, so I am here to work it out.
My natural test is Ok -525 ng/dl and I would like to keep it that way but could I run a small cycle of something, get stronger but hardly any heavier, recover properly and then push the training? That's what I am here to try to find out.
I stumbled across this great site as part of my research and have lurked a little.
I am early 50's and have never taken PEDs but I think I might like to. Want to find out more.
I am late to the party in terms of sport. I have a very physical job and had a fun time in the outdoors over the years but now I would like to run. I am just starting a bit late at a time when the extremities are weakening from age anyway and recovery is slower. That on top of wear and tear from the job have left me taking baby steps to avoid injury. Its been over 2 years now and I am starting to think -could I get more strength to avoid the injuries, then actually train properly like other keen guys my age?
I know what a good runner does -I have runners in the family who have represented the country. I have a kid who is a regional champion and a sibling who has treated dozens of Olympians for their problems but then there is me, letting the side down, stuck doing 20 miles a week and only a few harder sessions. That's a long way from where I started 27 months ago (fat and with chronic over use injuries decades old, probably couldn't run half a mile) but its not where I wish I could be. Is there a way to get where I want to go before I am too old to do it anyway?
No serious runner I have met wants to openly talk PEDs, so I am here to work it out.
My natural test is Ok -525 ng/dl and I would like to keep it that way but could I run a small cycle of something, get stronger but hardly any heavier, recover properly and then push the training? That's what I am here to try to find out.