First cycle blast and cruise planned


New Member
Hello everyone,

I just got down to 20% Body fat from being a fatty. (Still am a smidge but i have been waiting and working for 3 years so I’m going to pull the trigger. I’m 5”8 199lbs, I have a decent frame with solid natty muscle.

Just had pre cycle labs done.

Everything is in range test came back at 474 I am 35 years old.

HDL - 55
LDL - 112


I know these numbers aren’t great but I think the dramatic weight loss is playing a role here as my diet is pretty healthy, although while cutting I do not eat a lot of fiber.

I know people want me at 15% BF prior but I cannot shake this last 5% even at a 400 calorie/day deficit.

I have nolva on hand for gyno and will also be purchasing Adex prior to starting.

My question is how much does 400mg of test/ week usually effect your lipids? I don’t want to take a statin but when I tried ostarine once it absolutely trashed my lipids, should I expect the same with test?

For on cycle support I plan to take citrus bergamot eat more oats and possibly drink Metamucil as well as possibly taking cholestoff. I currently supplement with krill oil in the morning and fish oil in the evening.

Once off cycle my plan is to cruise around 100-150mg of test a week. I will probably cruise much longer than I blast ( thinking of blasting maybe twice a year tops).

Anything you guys can see I’m missing or should add? Any advice would be appreciated as I have no one IRL who has experience with this or even lifts so scouring meso has been amazing for me.

Last but not least does temperature crash gear? I searched for this and found nothing but in the climate I live I would expect the gear to be in 0 degrees F or colder during shipping. Is this an issue?

Thanks for any support and guidance, I really tried to educate myself as much as possible to not rely on you all like a child, but I want to be as safe as possible.

My lipids weren't affected as much by AAS that much. Main thing to do is do a run, get blood work 4-6 weeks in (4 weeks if you have issues)

I think 350 a week is a solid starting dose to get your feet wet. I started my first cycle at 23 percent body fat and had a very successful recomp.

My natty test was 467. I started in my mid 30s

Ancillaries to have on hand
30 pack of telmisartan
25-30 pack of aromasin or anastrazole
30 day supply of nolvadex(it's cheap)
Omega 3 source

Below is my first cycle log.
Don't run multiple compounds like me. I guess it's ok to throw a mild oral in 4-8 weeks after you get a solid feel for testosterone if you want the experience. I did spend atleast 1k on blood work my first cycle

My lipids weren't affected as much by AAS that much. Main thing to do is do a run, get blood work 4-6 weeks in (4 weeks if you have issues)

I think 350 a week is a solid starting dose to get your feet wet. I started my first cycle at 23 percent body fat and had a very successful recomp.

My natty test was 467. I started in my mid 30s

Ancillaries to have on hand
30 pack of telmisartan
25-30 pack of aromasin or anastrazole
30 day supply of nolvadex(it's cheap)
Omega 3 source

Below is my first cycle log.
Don't run multiple compounds like me. I guess it's ok to throw a mild oral in 4-8 weeks after you get a solid feel for testosterone if you want the experience. I did spend atleast 1k on blood work my first cycle

I plan to stick with test at first. Might maybe toss in some anavar torwards the end but that’s if my lipids stay solid because I know Var is really harsh on them.

Thank for the tips I appreciate it
Last but not least does temperature crash gear? I searched for this and found nothing but in the climate I live I would expect the gear to be in 0 degrees F or colder during shipping. Is this an issue?
It can crash certain compounds but it's usually not a big deal just reheat it then it should be g2g again.

I take it you're using test e or c so do at least 2 injections a week (more the better imo) probably start with glute or VG 25g 5/8 to 1" is plenty long enough. I'd use 1ml syringes since I'll only be using .8ml per shot if ur using 250mg/ml test and it's significantly easyer to push a 1ml syringe vs a 3ml.
Heating the oil massaging and working out area all reduce pip iv found.
It can crash certain compounds but it's usually not a big deal just reheat it then it should be g2g again.

I take it you're using test e or c so do at least 2 injections a week (more the better imo) probably start with glute or VG 25g 5/8 to 1" is plenty long enough. I'd use 1ml syringes since I'll only be using .8ml per shot if ur using 250mg/ml test and it's significantly easyer to push a 1ml syringe vs a 3ml.
Heating the oil massaging and working out area all reduce pip iv found.
Thanks for this, honestly pinning has me the most nervous but I’m tatted I’ll get over it.

I’m planning to use a source I saw on here that seems to be favorable. Literally read over 1,000 source posts lol .. Anything else I should look for besides floaters?

Yeah I wanna run test cyp 2x or 3x a week injections not sure yet but definitely want to stay as level as possible with my levels
Thanks for this, honestly pinning has me the most nervous but I’m tatted I’ll get over it.

I’m planning to use a source I saw on here that seems to be favorable. Literally read over 1,000 source posts lol .. Anything else I should look for besides floaters?

Yeah I wanna run test cyp 2x or 3x a week injections not sure yet but definitely want to stay as level as possible with my levels
You get used to pinning. I had my TRT doc watch me the first time because I was terrified.

I SLAMMED that 23 gauge into my leg and she said "well that's not going to feel good tomorrow".

I then switched to 1ml 27 gauge syringe and it's like brushing my teeth now. Easy peasy.

Injecting everyday really got me over my fear of injecting myself.
Thanks for this, honestly pinning has me the most nervous but I’m tatted I’ll get over it.

I’m planning to use a source I saw on here that seems to be favorable. Literally read over 1,000 source posts lol .. Anything else I should look for besides floaters?

Yeah I wanna run test cyp 2x or 3x a week injections not sure yet but definitely want to stay as level as possible with my levels
Haven't recalled seeing floaters in any recent posts, but you can look regardless. Test C, twice a week is fine. Who'd you go with?
Anything else I should look for besides floaters?
Yea the only time I hear about them is usually self done by guys that shred the stopper by using an 18g needle to draw everytime.
Also if your not using fixed needle syringes take into account the dead space of the needle. You can use the airlock method to avoid most of it or buy more oil then you need.