First Cycle ( boldenone undecylenate, testo E , winny ) pct ?


New Member
Hi guys ,
I want to start this cycle (600bolde - 500 testo-e 12 or 16weeks). and winny.(4-5 weeks)
I want to know best pct for this cycle. I can use arimidex, novaldex, hcg .
Also hcg in cycle is neccessary this cycle. I want to hear your advice
Ya just stick with the test e at the same dosage to see how your body handles AAS. Introduce other compounds after you have at least a few cycles under your belt.
Not that they're bad per se. But it's highly advisable to use a moderate dose of test for your first cycle or even your first several cycles to see how your body reacts. If it's something you decide to dive into then do some stacking. It's not like they'll expire if you wait a few cycles. I'm certainly no authority but I believe EQ and Winstrol are both primarily used for cutting. I would use one or the other of I were to do a stack. Trust me if you have decent test you'll feel amazing at 500mg\wk.