First Cycle Guide ...Start Here!!!

I am relatively new to AAS. Done research but have yet to do a cycle... I read this whole post and I want to thank you for writing it. It reinforced some of my knowledge and definitely helped me understand things better. Thank you again.

You're welcome. I'm not an expert by an means but I am happy to share the knowledge I do have and my experiences.
Thank you for this thread!
In mid 30s and lifting since 20s. Ran PH's, especially Superdrol when it was around (2007'ish?).
How important is HCG on a first run? 10wk Test E w/ AI - Clomid PCT
I've done the research, as you've said, but the source I like that has good reviews from here does not have HCG, nor does the second one.
Just wondering if it is needed on this type of basic run?
Oh, probably should mention that they don't have Nolv either, just Clomid. So was going to run the AI on and during the 2 week before the pct.