First cycle. Help


New Member
Im 20yo been lifting for 3years. 170cm 73kg
Thinking about starting my first cycle 400mg of test C a week. Im thinking about cycling for 12weeks. For pct im thinkin about taking clomid one week 100mg ED, three weeks 50mg ED, two weeks 25mg ED.

Let me know if u would change anything.
And let me know if i could pin 200mg 2x per week or if i should do it in some other way

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you have never touched peds? Nice physic for 3 years of training.
Run your cycle longer. 16 weeks atleadt and you will have much better results. For pct take 20mg nolva or 12.5 enclo. No need for high doses of serms if it’s your first cycle and at your age.
Thanks for the feedback! And yes im natural.
Im thinking about geting my blood checked before the cycle. 3 to 4 weeks in and after the pct.
Im thinking about cycling for 12weeks
Why? For what? Then you do one cycle?

Then what?

Post your bloodwork.

20 yr old and going to do 1 cycle....then what after let's say you PCT and recover your endogenous production?

And have you done the blood work so you know if you do recover? What blood work should you do before you touch the Test?

Great job on your results thus far.

Short read for you...

Put in on my tombstone...

Hank and I parted ways but he was not wrong on this cycling business (at least the way it is done by the inexperienced nowadays).

So what is your longer term plan...1, 5, 10 years?
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What is your diet currently looking like?

Solid foundation for a younger guy, can see a lot of work has gone into it. Many guys don't have this to fall back on when they come off, they look like shit cos they looked that way to start. You do not have this problem.

Stick to Test only for now and see how you react. I would just throw 500mg in for 16 weeks and keep some Nolvadex on hand. Post your bloods after 4 weeks and see if anything needs changing.

Aslong as everything is in check which it looks to be, your gonna absolutely blow up with the right dose and nutrition!
Why? For what? Then you do one cycle?

Then what?

Post your bloodwork.

20 yr old and going to do 1 cycle....then what after let's say you PCT and recover your endogenous production?

And have you done the blood work so you know if you do recover? What blood work should you do before you touch the Test?

Great job on your results thus far.

Short read for you...

Put in on my tombstone...

Hank and I parted ways but he was not wrong on this cycling business (at least the way it is done by the inexperienced nowadays).

So what is your longer term plan...1, 5, 10 years?
I dont have in mind only one cycle... but i need to start somewhere.
And i do realize that after pct i will loose most of my gains.
Im thinking on getting CBC, CMP, and PSA for bloodwork... in new to all of this so be free to correct me.
I havent done any bloodwork prior. But i will before i start cycling.
For long term i want to compete. I might do a nattie show before cycling. Im here to learn about all of these stuff but i know that i will do a cycle soon.
What is your diet currently looking like?

Solid foundation for a younger guy, can see a lot of work has gone into it. Many guys don't have this to fall back on when they come off, they look like shit cos they looked that way to start. You do not have this problem.

Stick to Test only for now and see how you react. I would just throw 500mg in for 16 weeks and keep some Nolvadex on hand. Post your bloods after 4 weeks and see if anything needs changing.

Aslong as everything is in check which it looks to be, your gonna absolutely blow up with the right dose and nutrition!
Yes i put in alot of work.
I put in alot of work in diet as well.
Curently im on a bulk 4000kcal and 300g of protein per day. Trying to eat as healthy as possible. 5 to 6 meals a day In the pictures i was on a cut(1 month ago).
I was thinking on doing 500mg per week. But alot of guys are saying to do 300mg so i choose something in between :)
Should i rather do 500?

Thanks for the reply!