First Cycle Joint Pain


New Member
I am new to PEDS and am experiencing joint pain. I just started my first cycle 3 weeks ago of Test E and I am also taking rad140 10mg a day. I have done a cycle of rad140 before and had no joint paint at all.
For Test E I did 2 weeks at 200mg and week 3 went to 250mg. I'd like to bump up the dose but I noticed im getting joint pains i've never gotten before especially in my elbows. I also am getting it in my knees and shoulders but not as bad. At first I thought maybe my joints weren't able to catch up with the weights because I did start adding more sets but nothing crazy like instead of 10 sets of shoulders I did 14 and instead of 12 to 14 sets of chest I did 18 and i've gone up higher in volume like this before with no issue.

I took 4 days off the gym thinking it would help but I went back today and felt those elbows starting to flare up

Any ideas as to what might be causing the joint pain? Water retention? If so any tips on how to get rid of it? I've gained like 12 pounds in 3 weeks but most of that is water.
If those sets are working sets, cut them in half, you are just spinning your wheels putting unnecessary stress into your joints for no reason.
If those sets are working sets, cut them in half, you are just spinning your wheels putting unnecessary stress into your joints for no reason.
Really? I feel like that is prettty moderate volume. Anytime something like this has happened in the past I do a deload for a week and im back to normal.
Well if joint pain keeps being an issue I will just quit the test and keep taking the rad.
Yeah don't do that.... I think you need to do allot more reading before going on another cycle...
Anyyywaaay.... if you stop the test and keep rad in you will crash your test and estrogen and you will feel like shit
Joint pain can be from a number of causes like your diet is shit (eating sugars and simple carbs will raise inflamation), maybe high androgens are causing the high inflamation and your immune system is overreacting( fo you have any autoimmune issues?), maybe you are allergic to the carrier oil of the test... who knows.... to many sets also can increase inflamation to levels that are not sustainable so you need to remove some of these variables and see what is actually going on...

once you are on exogenous hormones you are basically in manual control of some of the dials of your body but not all of them so it can get complicated...
Yeah don't do that.... I think you need to do allot more reading before going on another cycle...
Anyyywaaay.... if you stop the test and keep rad in you will crash your test and estrogen and you will feel like shit
Joint pain can be from a number of causes like your diet is shit (eating sugars and simple carbs will raise inflamation), maybe high androgens are causing the high inflamation and your immune system is overreacting( fo you have any autoimmune issues?), maybe you are allergic to the carrier oil of the test... who knows.... to many sets also can increase inflamation to levels that are not sustainable so you need to remove some of these variables and see what is actually going on...

once you are on exogenous hormones you are basically in manual control of some of the dials of your body but not all of them so it can get complicated...
thank you for an actual response. People on here told me to start eating a lot more so I did lol typically I eat 3000 calories a day (before cycle) but then started eating 3500 to 4000. I'll watch the diet closer. In the past i've mostly just paid attention to protein, carbs, and fats and nothing else.

At first I thought I was allergic to the oil because it gave me inflammation at the injection site for the first 4 or 5 injections (doing them every 3 to 4 days) but that pretty much went away. A mistake I made was ordering a high concentration of 500mg per ml and i've heard of other people having more issues with higher concentrations.

I read that another possibility is the water retention so im getting some cranberry juice to see if that helps as well. The pain isn't that bad its just abnormal and getting in the way of training hard.

I'll probably give this a couple more weeks and if it continues i'll quit or order from a different source. I've got some enclomiphene already. No autoimmune issues here. The oil used for the test is grapeseed oil.

Also I think maybe its time to cut out the rad as well for now so its just test to single this down better. Taking rad on top of this for my first test cycle was dumb.
Yeah don't do that.... I think you need to do allot more reading before going on another cycle...
Anyyywaaay.... if you stop the test and keep rad in you will crash your test and estrogen and you will feel like shit
Joint pain can be from a number of causes like your diet is shit (eating sugars and simple carbs will raise inflamation), maybe high androgens are causing the high inflamation and your immune system is overreacting( fo you have any autoimmune issues?), maybe you are allergic to the carrier oil of the test... who knows.... to many sets also can increase inflamation to levels that are not sustainable so you need to remove some of these variables and see what is actually going on...

once you are on exogenous hormones you are basically in manual control of some of the dials of your body but not all of them so it can get complicated...
Do you recommend any books or anything? I did a lot of research before starting but most of that was on starting dose, when to go up and down, training, and macros but I never saw anything about inflammation and even now its kind of hard to find much on this topic. Best thing I have found is some youtube videos that talk about inflammation on trt.
What is it with rad 140? Wouldent it be better to change it out for another aas
rad 140 works but looking back I probably should not have included it with my first test cycle since im experiencing side effects. I think im going to phase that out anyway though and i'll save it for a rainy day in the future so I can track down my issues.
Do you recommend any books or anything? I did a lot of research before starting but most of that was on starting dose, when to go up and down, training, and macros but I never saw anything about inflammation and even now its kind of hard to find much on this topic. Best thing I have found is some youtube videos that talk about inflammation on trt.
no books sorry, bodybuilding dosages of AAS are not really studied in terms of s8de effects and interactions between different compounds so your best bet is anecdotal info or go deep in the pharmacology of this shit.... a good place to start is reading this forum and others like it..
Looks like you're getting some junk volume and it's adding uneeded stress to your joints. My shoulder and arm day is like 2 failure sets on 2 variations of biceps, 2 failure sets on 3 tricep exercises and 2 failure sets on a shoulder press and then failure doing raises for each head of the delt. So maybe 15-16 sets for 3 different body parts. At one point you aren't really doing much to work muscles and you're just going to be stressing joints. True failure and intensity with a moderate volume will beat junk volume every time imo
Looks like you're getting some junk volume and it's adding uneeded stress to your joints. My shoulder and arm day is like 2 failure sets on 2 variations of biceps, 2 failure sets on 3 tricep exercises and 2 failure sets on a shoulder press and then failure doing raises for each head of the delt. So maybe 15-16 sets for 3 different body parts. At one point you aren't really doing much to work muscles and you're just going to be stressing joints. True failure and intensity with a moderate volume will beat junk volume every time imo
Thanks I thought this could also be contributing to it so past 2 workouts went back to my original volume