First cycle pre and post blood test timing

I always see post cycle bloods as pointless if you feel fine after pct.

Precycle blood provide a baseline for comparison to POST-CYCLE levels.

Post cycle bloods are also VERY IMPORTANT as they define HTPA recovery objectively.

And what USUALLY occurs when post cycle bloods are omitted relying on ones "judgement" PCT
was effective- that person starts another cycle PREMATURELY and
converts traditional AAS CYCLING
into "BLAST n CRUISE".

And the difference is HUGE with respect to the cumulative sides of AAS and recovering ones related endocrine function in the long term.

First second and probably third cycling Noobs in no way are candidates for using their "judgement" as a barometer of effective PCT and NEED post-cycle labs as a means of confirmation IME

Yea there are a few exceptions but ....
applying them to Noobs is more likely to result in more problems than solutions, IMO.
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What do pre-AAS blood testing have to do with LIFE INSURANCE, nothing especially when compared to smoking, drinking, HTN, or eating a high fat diet.

And your "38" really !

I'm unaware of ANY life insurance company that even considers AAS as
drugs of abuse (AKA "recreational drugs") or they would test for them.

But many DO conduct screening assays
for a number of ANTI-HTN meds and other recreational drugs and will use a positive test AGAINST YOU, or deny coverage if you LIE!

It's the LIE that gets you fella not the truth and this fact has been misrepresented by soooo many PED forum members!

How do I KNOW? I've conducted well over 500 exams and ordered the tests
required by MANY health and life insurance companies.

Don't lie!

I appreciate the advice Doc. I'm not sure if you're from Canada but I am and specifically in Ontario all visits and results are stored on your file electronically it's called eHealth. It's not like the old days where our records would just sit in a box at some random walk I'm clinic.

About the whole life insurance thing my post had nothing to do with that or my doctor knowing about my AA's use. I should have stuck to a simple question instead of a bunch of random facts.

I only know about the life insurance issue that I would have because a Canadian on reddit with the same life insurance company made a post about it and linked the documentation stating AAS use will result in denial of any claims.

In it everyone who has a policy with them has also signed over all our medal records upon death....ya lol.
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