First Cycle Suggestions/Advices


New Member
Hi all!

I have posted a new member introduction so if you would like to take a look at my partner's titty then head over: Howdy from AZ

First off thank you for each and everyone of you spending your valuable time reading through this and I hope to hear back of your suggestions and critique of my first cycle proposal. I've recently got a deal for a music performance in mid-September so my goal is to lean down. Also I have decided that if I do AAS then might as well do it properly and smartly for the longevity. My stats are:

Age: 27 Height: 5'6" Weight: 190 BF: ~16-18
Diet: Clean diet of veggies and chicken breast/fish. Have not touch soda in over a year.
Training: On and off for the last 7 years. Did stick to serious training for last 1.5 years without giving up.

PWO: Creatine (5g), B-Alanine (3g), Citrulline (6g), BCAA (5g), L-Arginine (800mg)

Workout routine:

Warming up: 5 mins sauna + 1 mile treadmill (15-20 mins pace)
Mon: Shoulder/Trap
Tue: Back/Biceps/Forearms
Wed: Active rest (fasted cardio in the morning)
Thur: Chest/Triceps
Fri: Legs
Sat: Full Rest (being lazy piece of shit)
Sun: Active rest (fasted cardio in the morning)
After working out: 2 miles treadmill (20 mins pace)

Before starting cycle:

1. Take liver support supplements such as Sam-E, NAC for 3 weeks prior to starting cycle.
2. Obtain bloodwork baseline (include IGF-1)
3. Monitor + Document (Rested Heart Rate + Blood Pressure) first thing in the morning throughout the cycle.

Info on AAS product grade:

1. Everything is Pharmaceutical manufacturers exception is HGH.
2. HGH: 200IU GenSci Jintropin (HGH-Med, I was given a deal for this in exchange for my bloodwork which I will follow through with the deal $500 discount $100, I paid $400 + show lab result), got myself Mauves+Black tops from TP.

Proposed Cycle:

Cycle 1: The all classic traditional Test-E only cycle.

Test-E: Week 1-10 (300mg per week, dosage administration on Mon/Thur)
AI: Take after 3rd Pin or when starting to feel symptoms.
HCG: Start on Week 2 at 500 IU total a week (Mon/Thur)
HGH: 7 days on, 2IU beginning and taper up 0.5IU every 2-3 weeks. Capped at 4IU/day. <3 IU: 1 dose waking up in morning. >3 IU: Split dose of waking up morning & 5-6 hours before bed (to not suppress with body's natural IGF-1 releasing when sleeping)

PCT: Starts after half-life dosage calculation (14-18 days range) will need to be calculated later
Klomid: 50mg first 3 days, 25mg next 10, 12.25 next 10.
Nolvadex: 40 first 3 days, 20 next 10, 10 next 10.

Cycle 2: Test-E + Anavar

Test-E: Dosage change from 300mg to 250mg/week. Same protocol
Anavar: Week 5-10 Begin 20mg/day, increase 10mg/wk to 40mg/wk capped.
AI: Same Protocol
HCG: Same Protocol
HGH: Same Protocol

PCT: Same protocol

Cycle 3: Test-E + Primobolan + Anavar

Test-E: Dosage change from 300mg to 200mg/week. Same protocol
Primobolan: Week 1-10, 300mg/week. Dosage administration (Mon/Thur)
Anavar: Week 5-10. Begin 20mg/day, increase 10mg/wk to 40mg/wk capped.
AI: Same Protocol
HCG: Same Protocol
HGH: Same Protocol

PCT: Same protocol.

Should be noted that HGH will be on either 3-4 months for ~4IU/day or 6-indefinite for ~2IU or less / day. I will be running GH everyday.

Thank you once again everyone for taking your time to take a look at my proposed cycles. Would love to hear constructive feedbacks so I could be safe on my first journey into the AAS world! Cheers
I should clarify that Cycle 1/2/3 is not the layout for my next 3 cycle. I wanted to ask which of the cycle I should be running for First Cycle.
Cycling hgh? Pretty sure it takes 3-4 months to get going

Go with test only to see how you react
I would have said cycle one except you have HGH in it. I would say just keep it simple and run test only especially your first cycle.
Cycling hgh? Pretty sure it takes 3-4 months to get going

Go with test only to see how you react

I believe I did stated of my intention running HGH for 3-4 months if I run 4IU. Although TP Mauves& Black Top have very good review and people getting result from just running 2-upper 3IUs so I think I can push GH to 6 month cycle at 2IUs.
I would have said cycle one except you have HGH in it. I would say just keep it simple and run test only especially your first cycle.

Yes sir! I believe that would be good as well. Should I drop the dosage to just 250mg/wk Test-E and then front load my first week injection to 500mg, then week 2 and onward go back to 250mg/wk?

I asked about front loading on Eroids and I got bashed into oblivion because I'm a "noob" and should stick to my shit of running pure 500mg/wk Test-E. Feel like people don't even read at all and already jump to conclusion.
Yes sir! I believe that would be good as well. Should I drop the dosage to just 250mg/wk Test-E and then front load my first week injection to 500mg, then week 2 and onward go back to 250mg/wk?

I asked about front loading on Eroids and I got bashed into oblivion because I'm a "noob" and should stick to my shit of running pure 500mg/wk Test-E. Feel like people don't even read at all and already jump to conclusion.
Fuck eroids. They bash everyone who comes on there unless they suck source dick. Most of these guys on there never come off and are on tons of gear year around. Yet they tell everyone looking for advice that they shouldn’t be using peds. Buncha hypocrites
Running hgh for 3-4 months will be self defeating. You’re planning on dropping it right when it starts working. As for the test you can try 250/wk and ramping it after 6-8 weeks if you aren’t getting what you want.
Yes sir! I believe that would be good as well. Should I drop the dosage to just 250mg/wk Test-E and then front load my first week injection to 500mg, then week 2 and onward go back to 250mg/wk?

I asked about front loading on Eroids and I got bashed into oblivion because I'm a "noob" and should stick to my shit of running pure 500mg/wk Test-E. Feel like people don't even read at all and already jump to conclusion.
There is a million opinions on front loading. I would say do what you want to do as far as front loading. I personally haven't front loaded.

I just came off my first cycle in November. I ran 500 mg Test Cyp and pinned it 250 2x a week. I am currently cruising on 200 mg a week. 250 mg a week is a very weak cycle or high cruise in my opinion.
Running hgh for 3-4 months will be self defeating. You’re planning on dropping it right when it starts working. As for the test you can try 250/wk and ramping it after 6-8 weeks if you aren’t getting what you want.

Most likely I will go for 6 months of 2IU to maybe pushing 3IU a day. After all, I did get enough GH to run for a year luckily! I'm not really pushing for 4 IU since there is a lot of Meso members feedback on carpal running at 4IU on Mauves/Black Tops.
There is a million opinions on front loading. I would say do what you want to do as far as front loading. I personally haven't front loaded.

I just came off my first cycle in November. I ran 500 mg Test Cyp and pinned it 250 2x a week. I am currently cruising on 200 mg a week. 250 mg a week is a very weak cycle or high cruise in my opinion.

Yeah it's very weak I would say but I would like to see how my body reacts to it first. No need for higher dosage if the low dose works right? :)