First cycle Test E 5'9 205lbs, bloodwork included, physique

Hows the cycle so far champ?
It’s about to be week 4, no gyno or sides, increased libido for sure, I’m a bit sweatier, and my sleep is super deep. I did PR on bench on Monday by 5 pounds and my shoulders look slightly fuller, other then this no weight gain and improvement is minimal but literature suggests enanthate takes a minute, or dragon man gave me some bunky. I broke up with my gf to focus on life stuff Bc she suddenly got way more irritating to be around. I’m sticking to pinning my delts rarely any pip.
Your physique is fine. Those nice cholesterol/test numbers you pulled are not gonna look so good. 19 is to young, I was 22 and wanting to cycle but waited till 26. I’m glad I waited.
Thank you for the concern ! If I suddenly get drastically shit health and am on a hospital bed due to cholesterol being in the gutter I will stop the cycle and pct. Otherwise I watch my cholesterol and take vitamins/organ support everyday so hopefully not.
Thank you for the concern ! If I suddenly get drastically shit health and am on a hospital bed due to cholesterol being in the gutter I will stop the cycle and pct. Otherwise I watch my cholesterol and take vitamins/organ support everyday so hopefully not.
Bad LDL is not going to put you in a hospital bed any time soon, but it will cause plaque development in your blood vessels (atherosclerosis) which can severely impact your longevity. If it gets too high (>100) it may be a good idea to consider meds that lower LDL. Your bloods look fine for now, though.
It’s about to be week 7, I’m up 18 pounds, no gyno or any negative sides. Strength has skyrocketed ridiculously and just keeps going up every week. I can now bench my old bench max of 320lbs for three reps now. I sleep like a rock now, eat like an ape, and am sore literally all the time. Im probably just gonna finish the rest of the cycle pinning 500mgs per week instead of 400, I’m curious as to whether I’ll get any gyno for future blasts. I’m retaining a lot more water, my delts and traps just have more a pop to them now. No complaints about anything honestly can’t wait to see my bloods and go from there !
It’s about to be week 7, I’m up 18 pounds, no gyno or any negative sides. Strength has skyrocketed ridiculously and just keeps going up every week. I can now bench my old bench max of 320lbs for three reps now. I sleep like a rock now, eat like an ape, and am sore literally all the time. Im probably just gonna finish the rest of the cycle pinning 500mgs per week instead of 400, I’m curious as to whether I’ll get any gyno for future blasts. I’m retaining a lot more water, my delts and traps just have more a pop to them now. No complaints about anything honestly can’t wait to see my bloods and go from there !
Make sure you deload once in a while if your tendons and joints start nagging you. Common problem from a first cycle.
Make sure you deload once in a while if your tendons and joints start nagging you. Common problem from a first cycle.
Thank you actually because I’ve been feeling pretty burnt in terms of joints and stuff not pain or anything but like the first time in my life I’ve felt like I need an actual deload which I did last week.
How’s the cycle going so far my boy
Still no complaints, I just hit a bench PR 320lbsx4, I am noticing I’m getting way more hair growth like overall on my body I could never grow this much chest and face hair when I was natural, other then that I’m just getting leaner, bigger, and stronger it feels like and I’m trying to force feed as much as I can. I’m trying to feel for any gyno just out of worry but no issues yet. Ive been stretching and being extra careful lifting and after my small deload no pain anywhere. I started taking fish oil, tumeric, and zinc along with other vitamins and im feeling pretty good. Right now just keepin my head down and trying to get the most out of this cycle, I’ll provide before and after pics when the cycle is done with overall analysis of it. Also bloods when I get them.
Edit- Honestly I just checked and I’ll be damn surprised if I don’t have a full beard by the end of the cycle, which is the biggest pro ever.
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I was told wait till I'm older, didn't listen, wish I did. If I could change one thing in my life I would not of used juice at 18 years old. Maybe not even ever. HRT started at 24 years old. You don't want to be on HRT. You will miss your natural test production.

A lot of other stuff can go wrong, if you're 5'9 at 19 you may still grow along with other developments in your body that will get messed up. There's a chance you could grow to 5'11 maybe 6'. I was 6' at 18 didn't grow anything past that, I like being 6' but I wonder could I have been 6'2?
I was told wait till I'm older, didn't listen, wish I did. If I could change one thing in my life I would not of used juice at 18 years old. Maybe not even ever. HRT started at 24 years old. You don't want to be on HRT. You will miss your natural test production.

A lot of other stuff can go wrong, if you're 5'9 at 19 you may still grow along with other developments in your body that will get messed up. There's a chance you could grow to 5'11 maybe 6'. I was 6' at 18 didn't grow anything past that, I like being 6' but I wonder could I have been 6'2?
Are you like the d.a.r.e program or something, obviously stuff can go wrong injecting exogenous hormones in your ass. It sucks you regret juicing but it doesn’t mean everyone who does won’t be able to PCT off correctly and regain somewhat if not normal production, regardless HRT is basically reaping what you sow and a realistic consequence. Dude 2 inches isn’t the end of the world I was 5’9 when I was 16 if I’m not 5’10 by now tough shit, I’m already as tall or taller as every other guy in my family. Ty for the concern though but that’s just regular stuff that comes with use.
Are you like the d.a.r.e program or something, obviously stuff can go wrong injecting exogenous hormones in your ass. It sucks you regret juicing but it doesn’t mean everyone who does won’t be able to PCT off correctly and regain somewhat if not normal production, regardless HRT is basically reaping what you sow and a realistic consequence. Dude 2 inches isn’t the end of the world I was 5’9 when I was 16 if I’m not 5’10 by now tough shit, I’m already as tall or taller as every other guy in my family. Ty for the concern though but that’s just regular stuff that comes with use.
I thought I was a doctor to. There's a cost to everything in life and the price comes due, how it comes you won't know till it does
i see this thread is about 2 months old; but I must say; great natural physique! Hell, it’s even better than most guys who run gear! You have good genetics. I was around your age when I started as well. Bloodwork looks good overall. Be cautious when/if you decide to use orals. I was going to recommend some vitamins, but everything I was going to suggest was already mentioned on page 1. Only other thing I would recommend *if you really wanted it* would be Telmesartian. I’ve started taking it everyday at 40 mg. My blood pressure is always amazing, cardio feels much easier as well. It truly can help protect a lot of things. Not a necessity tho.*** You could probably cruise on 150-175 mg and still keep high levels
i see this thread is about 2 months old; but I must say; great natural physique! Hell, it’s even better than most guys who run gear! You have good genetics. I was around your age when I started as well. Bloodwork looks good overall. Be cautious when/if you decide to use orals. I was going to recommend some vitamins, but everything I was going to suggest was already mentioned on page 1. Only other thing I would recommend *if you really wanted it* would be Telmesartian. I’ve started taking it everyday at 40 mg. My blood pressure is always amazing, cardio feels much easier as well. It truly can help protect a lot of things. Not a necessity tho.*** You could probably cruise on 150-175 mg and still keep high levels
Thanks for the advice ! Next I’m considering running EQ and var after cruising and learning more.
Thanks for the advice ! Next I’m considering running EQ and var after cruising and learning more.
Keep an eye on thyroid . At 4.8 my dr put me on thyroid meds for slow thyroid . On meds I'm around 1.0 The higher number means slow throid hypothyroidism. You dont look like your storing any unwanted fat though. Looking jacked bro.
You might be able to put your TSH levels back into normal range with some 100% cranberry juice. It has to be the 100% kind that has the iodine. Sometimes it's hard to find it's usually like $8 a bottle. The kind mixed with a bunch of water will not work. 8 oz a day should do the trick
You might be able to put your TSH levels back into normal range with some 100% cranberry juice. It has to be the 100% kind that has the iodine. Sometimes it's hard to find it's usually like $8 a bottle. The kind mixed with a bunch of water will not work. 8 oz a day should do the trick
Thank you ! When I got my bloods I didn’t really know if my TSH was of concern, will definitely invest in the cranberry juice.
Thanks for the advice ! Next I’m considering running EQ and var after cruising and learning more.
Be careful with orals. Var isn’t as bad. Take 1000 mg of NAC and 400 mg grape seed extract for extra protection. EQ can be hit or miss for some people. When you decide to take EQ; that’s when I’d highly recommend taking Telmesartian. It will keep your blood pressure from raising; as well as keep your hemoglobin and hematocrit in check. It has some good benefits for your heart as well :) 40mg is a good dose. Even when I’m cruising on a low dose I use It for extra benefit/to help “shield” I do love EQ; NPP is a great choice as well if you want something that kicks in a little quicker with minimal sides
Thank you ! When I got my bloods I didn’t really know if my TSH was of concern, will definitely invest in the cranberry juice.
If you're slow thyroid is from lack of iodine you can also use iodized salt on a lot of your Foods in addition to the cranberry juice
Be careful with orals. Var isn’t as bad. Take 1000 mg of NAC and 400 mg grape seed extract for extra protection. EQ can be hit or miss for some people. When you decide to take EQ; that’s when I’d highly recommend taking Telmesartian. It will keep your blood pressure from raising; as well as keep your hemoglobin and hematocrit in check. It has some good benefits for your heart as well :) 40mg is a good dose. Even when I’m cruising on a low dose I use It for extra benefit/to help “shield” I do love EQ; NPP is a great choice as well if you want something that kicks in a little quicker with minimal sides
Definitely will get Telmesartian thank you! Var not being as mild as other orals I thought it’d be a good starting spot maybe injectable winny. I’m still iffy on the EQ bc I have heard it’s super coin flip some people love it but it’s more mild compared to mast so I guess I’d just start with EQ with T and see how I fair. I haven’t looked into NPP but I just want a compound that holds a bit less water.