First Cycle, Test E


New Member
New to these forums. I am thinking about starting a 10 week cycle of Test E

Weeks 1-10 Test E, 500mg (250mg twice a week)
Week 11 Off
Week 12 PCT

I am unsure about which PCT I should take. Clomid, Nolvadex, or Arimidex. I have heard to take Nolva and Clomid Post cycle. Should I take Arimidex during the cycle of just leave it out of the equation? I want to reduce the risk of gyno but I hear that some estrogen is good for your mass building.

Also, should I add some deca with the Test or just stick with the Test E for my first time?

Is there a risk of hair loss on a cycle like this?
New to these forums. I am thinking about starting a 10 week cycle of Test E

Weeks 1-10 Test E, 500mg (250mg twice a week)
Week 11 Off
Week 12 PCT

I am unsure about which PCT I should take. Clomid, Nolvadex, or Arimidex. I have heard to take Nolva and Clomid Post cycle. Should I take Arimidex during the cycle of just leave it out of the equation? I want to reduce the risk of gyno but I hear that some estrogen is good for your mass building.

Also, should I add some deca with the Test or just stick with the Test E for my first time?

Is there a risk of hair loss on a cycle like this?

When I run a cycle I always run HCG with it man does it help with bounceing back then followed up with nolva.]
If you are gyno prone, or want to reduce estrogen related sides, then an AI such as aromasin is ideal. My first cycle was test-e 400mg/week and 10mg aromasin ED, gains were pretty lean, little to no bloat and no gyno. PCT for me was clomid and aromasin. You can use dbol to kick start the cycle, but to be honest with you, you will be fine if you run test only.
Good cycle.

I would run 500 ius hch twice a week throughout

Start pct two weeks after your last shot.

I like arimdex when on helps to manage water weight, which is just weight and looks puffy. .5mg e3d would work.

Deca is great however test only is perfect for a first cyc;eh
Test only is great for a first cycle. That is what I did. Just make sure your PCT is in order and you're golden!
I love/hate Clomid but it makes me emotional like a bitch. So I stick to Nolva during the cycle and then administer HCG post cycle.
Let the thread know you stats man.


Run 12 weeks. Takes 4-5 to start seeing any type of results, you could even throw some dbol in there for Week 1-4.

Plan your PCT before anything else. Its the most important part of any AAS cycle, for overall health and keeping your gains.

The only good time to take steroids is when you reached your genetic potential.

So, stats???....
Im 22, 190 lbs, 5' 11", 17% BF, been lifting for a year, I'm an extremely hard gainer and I think its part genetics but also the fact that I have a naturally low testosterone level. I feel taking a test cycle will boost my test enough to give me the gains I am looking for. I eat 3500 calories a day (600 cal above maintenance) and I eat pretty clean. 40% protein, 40% carbs, and 20% fat. I stay clear of fast food and processed meals. I take multivitamins, creatine, fish oil caps, and at least 30g omega-3 fats a day. I take 2 scoops of casein before bed every night and I train hard 4 times a week (mon, wed, fri, and sat).

there are 5 things that concern me the most about getting on a cycle:

1) Will I be able to keep my gains?
2) Will my test levels return to normal after the cycle and will I be able to make gains again while off the cycle?
3) Will my body become dependent on the gear to the point where I won't be able to gain or keep what I've gained without it?
4) Will I get fat and/or weaker when I come off the cycle?
5) If I decide that I do not want to do another cycle after the first, will I keep my strength and muscle gains or will I return to my previous size and strength levels?

I can list my routine too. its basically a 4 day split, each day focusing on two muscle groups (monday is chest/triceps, etc.)
Yeah, list your training regime. I'd like to see it because mine is four days over-all body workout.

Mine is as follows:

Day 1: chest
Day 2: biceps and triceps
Day 3: back and shoulders
Day 4: legs

Best of gains!
I do:

Mon - Chest/Tris (incline bench, flat bench, kickbacks, extensions, push ups, dips, etc)

Wed - Biceps/Back (deadlifts, reverse rows, curls, etc)

Fri - Shoulders/Legs (rows, overhead press, lat raises, squats, leg extensions/curls, etc)

Sat - Is basically a misc day (ab crunches, oblique bicycles, shrugs, forearm workout, neck workout with head strap, etc.)
Im 22, 190 lbs, 5' 11", 17% BF, been lifting for a year, I'm an extremely hard gainer and I think its part genetics but also the fact that I have a naturally low testosterone level. I feel taking a test cycle will boost my test enough to give me the gains I am looking for. I eat 3500 calories a day (600 cal above maintenance) and I eat pretty clean. 40% protein, 40% carbs, and 20% fat. I stay clear of fast food and processed meals. I take multivitamins, creatine, fish oil caps, and at least 30g omega-3 fats a day. I take 2 scoops of casein before bed every night and I train hard 4 times a week (mon, wed, fri, and sat).

there are 5 things that concern me the most about getting on a cycle:

1) Will I be able to keep my gains?
2) Will my test levels return to normal after the cycle and will I be able to make gains again while off the cycle?
3) Will my body become dependent on the gear to the point where I won't be able to gain or keep what I've gained without it?
4) Will I get fat and/or weaker when I come off the cycle?
5) If I decide that I do not want to do another cycle after the first, will I keep my strength and muscle gains or will I return to my previous size and strength levels?

I can list my routine too. its basically a 4 day split, each day focusing on two muscle groups (monday is chest/triceps, etc.)
I will be the devil's advocate on this one; You are too young and do not have enough experience dieting and lifting to even consider a cycle at this time.5' 11" and 190 lbs is a far cry from a hard gainer bro,even at 17 % body fat.Let the guys on here design you a better work out and better diet.I would like to see you stay natural untill you are 25 years old or older.You can get to 210 and 12 % fairly easy over the next three years without steroids.You will be suprised how much you can gain with synergystic diet and work out programs. dennis
I like to do the 5 day 2 off routine.


Not sure how ppl do back and chest the same day... you must be there forever:eek:

Throw a lot of Compound Exercises, Squats/Incline Barbell Press/Military Press/ Deadlifts/Clean And Press... etc. Do volume training, I like to do 4 sets of compound exercises 10-12 reps and when I get to Isolation I just do 3 sets 8-10 reps...concentrate of form... and always remember strength training is not bodybuilding... you do NOT need to lift a lot of weight to grow, its all about muscle fiber stimulation, what I mean is lift a weight you can bang out a lot of reps and next time you do it move up few lbs and so on.

Benching 275lbs for 3 reps is a lottt less progressive then benching 235lbs for 12.


Anyway, Dennis is right...
I will be the devil's advocate on this one; You are too young and do not have enough experience dieting and lifting to even consider a cycle at this time.5' 11" and 190 lbs is a far cry from a hard gainer bro,even at 17 % body fat.Let the guys on here design you a better work out and better diet.I would like to see you stay natural untill you are 25 years old or older.You can get to 210 and 12 % fairly easy over the next three years without steroids.You will be suprised how much you can gain with synergystic diet and work out programs. dennis

I don't see how my age would even be a problem (especially since I am well beyond adolescent years). I have very low test levels. I am often left feeling weak during the day and I push my body to it's limit every workout. I have a hard time benching a 125lb BB or curling a 50lb BB. I feel that a cycle could help me boost my test enough to give me some decent gains that my genetics are preventing me from attaining.
Ok, oh boy. Where do I start here... We are all "hear" to help and you are reluctant a bit to listen, I know. God gaves us two ears and two eyes and they are meant to serve us well.

It's not about how MUCH you lift, it's about HOW you lift. Full range of motion. Working the slow switch and fast
twitch fibers, etc. I really advise that you slow down JUST a tad and take in some information that we can provide which will help you to reach your goals dude. We are here to help and you need a little bit of "coaching", let us be your coaches in helping you achieve that goal.

What is your short term goal, say 6 months? What is your ultimate goal?

I'm sure many of us here would be happy to design a breakdown so that you can reach that ultimate goal.

I am.
Ok, oh boy. Where do I start here... We are all "hear" to help and you are reluctant a bit to listen, I know. God gave us two ears and two eyes and they are meant to serve us well.

It's not about how MUCH you lift, it's about HOW you lift. Full range of motion. Working the slow switch and fast
twitch fibers, etc. I really advise that you slow down JUST a tad and take in some information that we can provide which will help you to reach your goals dude. We are here to help and you need a little bit of "coaching", let us be your coaches in helping you achieve that goal.

What is your short term goal, say 6 months? What is your ultimate goal?

I'm sure many of us here would be happy to design a breakdown so that you can reach that ultimate goal.

I am.
Ok, oh boy. Where do I start here... We are all "hear" to help and you are reluctant a bit to listen, I know. God gave us two ears and two eyes and they are meant to serve us well.

It's not about how MUCH you lift, it's about HOW you lift. Full range of motion. Working the slow switch and fast
twitch fibers, etc. I really advise that you slow down JUST a tad and take in some information that we can provide which will help you to reach your goals dude. We are here to help and you need a little bit of "coaching", let us be your coaches in helping you achieve that goal.

What is your short term goal, say 6 months? What is your ultimate goal?

I'm sure many of us here would be happy to design a breakdown so that you can reach that ultimate goal.

I am.
I don't see how my age would even be a problem (especially since I am well beyond adolescent years). I have very low test levels. I am often left feeling weak during the day and I push my body to it's limit every workout. I have a hard time benching a 125lb BB or curling a 50lb BB. I feel that a cycle could help me boost my test enough to give me some decent gains that my genetics are preventing me from attaining.
I am not trying to be mean but just being honest with you.
1.Your age is part of the problem in two seperate ways.
2.How do you know you have very low test levels???
3.Are you weak during the day from not eating enough,from a medical condition,or from lack of sleep??
4.If you are really pushing your body to the limit then how do you re fuel it?
5.You have a hard time benching and curling because you have basically no experience in the gym from what I have read in your post.
6.Weight lifting/body building is a marathon..not a literally takes years and years of training and diet to reach your full potential.
7.Your genetics are not what is keeping you from gaining..the problem is in your head.
8.You have self diagnosed yourself with having low test level.
If you will stay on MESO there are many of us who will help you.
Ok, oh boy. Where do I start here... We are all "hear" to help and you are reluctant a bit to listen, I know. God gave us two ears and two eyes and they are meant to serve us well.

It's not about how MUCH you lift, it's about HOW you lift. Full range of motion. Working the slow switch and fast
twitch fibers, etc. I really advise that you slow down JUST a tad and take in some information that we can provide which will help you to reach your goals dude. We are here to help and you need a little bit of "coaching", let us be your coaches in helping you achieve that goal.

What is your short term goal, say 6 months? What is your ultimate goal?

I'm sure many of us here would be happy to design a breakdown so that you can reach that ultimate goal.

I am.

LOL you really want to drive the point home (3 posts) :)

To the OP everyone here is giving you excellent advice, you should take it all into consideration. I don't think you're ready for a cycle if you have trouble benching 125lbs. Also, I think you could easily lower your body fat and increase some strength naturally first. This will give you a solid base before you start a cycle.

As for the lack of energy, etc. you should get some blood work. That's the only way you will know where your test levels are. Are you getting plenty of restful sleep? Do wait until you are fully recovered before working the same muscle group? Please don't blow these guys off, they know what they're talking about.

I don't think anyone touched the hair loss issue. Yes, if you're prone to it, you will lose some.