First Cycle

[DriadaMedical] Test E [10Jan2023]

Hey guys,
I'm kind of new to the forum but I'm not new to researching AAS. Done that for the last 1 - 1,5 years. Anyways, I'm currently on week 6 of my first Test E only cycle. Looking to recomp for summer. Training 3 days hypertrophy then 1 day cardio only, doing PPL 5-6 times a week.
My starting stats:
24, 6''4 (193cm), 93kg, 15%bf
Pre cycle total T: 600ng/dl

Cycle plan was the following:

pinning E3D with a 26G 1'' in ventro glutes, glutes
Week 1-4: 250mg/week
week 5-10: 300mg/week
week 10-20: 300mg/week - 500mg/week we will see how it goes
Waiting for ester to clear depending on the last pin + amount of Test E used:
6 weeks PCT with Nolvadex + Enclomiphene

My Ancillaries:
- Arimidex on hand in case i get high estrogen sides
- Nolvadex on hand in case of gyno flare up
- Telmisartan dosing 20mg ED
- Finasteride dosing 1mg ED
- Fish Oil, Creatine Monohydrate, ....

My stance 6 weeks in:
- Feeling a bit stronger, maybe a slightly higher libido (was high before i even started)
- Scale went up to 97kg this morning
- Loads are much smaller, considering adding HCG because I don't like having smaller loads :/

My questions to you:
- Does HCG really make that much of a difference with load size? What's your experience?
- I got some Anavar recently (200x10mg). Was considering to add it in the last 6 weeks at 20-30mg ED, should I do that or just up the Test E to maybe 400mg/week and save my Anavar?

Thanks for reading and have a great day on the forum :)