First cycle


New Member
Hey guys I was wondering if I could get some opinions on a good anti-estrogen and PCT plan for a first cycle, test E starting with 250mg/week and slowly increasing over 8-12 weeks? I've been reading alot of articles but I'm not sure what to go with. Arimadex and nolvadex? Thanks
u might not need any for that amount. some people take gram of test a week and only need .5 adex after injection. be careful with the ai if you crash your estrogen it can ruin ur cycle. For pct I take adex .5 - 1mg a week and mega dose clomid at 100mg/day worked well for me i was back to normal in 2 weeks...better than before actually
Yo también quiero empezar mi primer monociclo de enantato! No se si empezar con 250 o 500 a la semana? Mi peso actual 100-101 kg con un poco de grasa, llevo años entrenando, gracias y espero respuestas