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First cycle


New Member
Hey guys I was wondering if I could get some opinions on a good anti-estrogen and PCT plan for a first cycle, test E starting with 250mg/week and slowly increasing over 8-12 weeks? I've been reading alot of articles but I'm not sure what to go with. Arimadex and nolvadex? Thanks
u might not need any for that amount. some people take gram of test a week and only need .5 adex after injection. be careful with the ai if you crash your estrogen it can ruin ur cycle. For pct I take adex .5 - 1mg a week and mega dose clomid at 100mg/day worked well for me i was back to normal in 2 weeks...better than before actually
Yo también quiero empezar mi primer monociclo de enantato! No se si empezar con 250 o 500 a la semana? Mi peso actual 100-101 kg con un poco de grasa, llevo años entrenando, gracias y espero respuestas
Yo también quiero empezar mi primer monociclo de enantato! No se si empezar con 250 o 500 a la semana? Mi peso actual 100-101 kg con un poco de grasa, llevo años entrenando, gracias y espero respuestas
I used google translate to read what you said. If you want to be safe start with 300mg and titrate up from there.
Ok tks con esa dosis hace falta el tamox?
Tamoxifen will only prevent estrogen from binding to the receptor and your estrogen levels will still be high. You will need an aromatase inhibitor if your estrogen is high, only bloodwork will tell. At I didn’t need anything on 300mg though.

