First cycle


New Member
I am doing a 12 week cycle of Test E 250mg a week. The first place I injected was in my quads which I DO NOT RECOMMEND. I have been on my ass the past 3 days because of the PIP. I will inject my glutes like everyone else has recommended. Just curious to hear what everyone else’s first cycle was like and what you experienced in the first week.

ps: I used a 21/1 needle and a 1ml syringe
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I am on my first cycle as well. 200mg Test C a week. I am coming from no test hypogonadism (0.2 ng/dl).

I am pinning daily, at 8pm. From day 1 I noticed instant morning erections 10hours after pin.

Hugely increased mood / better lifts / you name it.

Week 1 pretty much nothing but the good honey moon stuff. By week 2/3 I noticed some slight high e2 symptoms. Daily, occasional sensitive nips, hands / feet edema (water swelling), but overall still good moods and libido.

I am using MK677 as well - 25mg at night before bed. This has always caused me to put on water weight of 5 pounds in the first 2-5 days.

With the test I jumped up 8 pounds of water in the first 3 weeks.

I ran bloods at week 4 -
Total Test : 1452
Estradio : 80

I am playing with a couple of different pins. I have 31g at .5" - 1ml, 27g at .5" - .5ml, and a luer lock with a 20g draw and a 25g at 5/8" - 1ml.

The 31g I only use for peptides with bacteriostatic water, ill use it with the test, but don't prefer it.

I've used the 27g slim pin primarily. It's too easy to shallow IM. I have hit quads, ventrogluteal, glute, delts, chest, triceps, and subq stomach.

With the small daily doses, even in virgin muscle no real soreness that isn't manageable. The quads get a little sore but not bad, the triceps too. But after the first shot, not nearly as bad. Thought I'd love the subq shots, but honestly prefer the IM.

currently playing with if / how I want to manage the estrogen.

Overall.. wish I would have done this years ago.

is that what you are looking for?
Also - I am normally too lazy - but I got a coffee cup heater to heat up the oil a little bit before pinning. I have noticed for the quads, that does help a little bit.

However, I use a theragun after I pin. That helps.
IMO dose is too low, even for a first cycle.

I would start at 350 and keep that dose steady obv.

Last but not least u cannot inject with a 21g needle in particular ur quads! OMG! That's a fucking arpoon!!

Get 23/24/25g to inject! Use the 21g only to withdraw oil from then vial the switch ur needle.
I always inject in my quads. Everytime I injected anywhere else the pip was just as bad, I don't think it makes much of a difference where you pin (in terms of pip)
I would see how you feel and if you have no problems with your E2 then I would go up,
but not before having your AI at hand.

You should always make sure you have it so if you don't order some, what if something bad happens and you start aromatizing too much.
and also novadex Incase the titties come up the novadex should stop it at 50mg a day and dropping the test until your titties stop tickling/growing. I'm just speaking of possibilities I'm not saying these is going to happen some people tolerate high doses with no AI.
First cycle: 400 mg cheap ass Mexican Tornel deca per week and 20 mg winstrol daily.

I blew up, got lots of acne, and my scalp got itchy and I shed some hair

Of course, I was a dumb college kid and I lost almost all of the gains

I also got a huge knot in my glute that was about the size of a baseball. It was visible while I was wearing pants! Luckily went down on its own