First cycle


Hello Everyone!
I was hoping to get some extra insight to my current situation.

I am into my first cycle, nothing big, (i have been on TRT for about 8 months learning my base feel good levels etc, always with doc supervision)
Anyways about 10 weeks ago I started a 300 mg test and 100 primo, however due to a local source issue, i went ahead and bought sustanon from a source here in this forum.
Long story short, my recent bloods revealed that my test levels are at about 42nmol/l (nz measures) this is only slighly higher from trt levels of 125mg a week, where used to be at around 36 nmol/ with estrogen sitting at around 140 pmol

Also my estrogen is now 52 pmol

My doctor believes that maybe my sustanon is not sustanon and is Deca, as he can’t not believe that Primo at 100 mg week would be crushing my estrongen that much and also considering that i was responding very good at 125mg test, he believes that by doubling the dose and then some I should be above the current number.

Has anyone had, or experienced or heard of a similar blood results?
To add to this, I definitely feel like low estrogen, sore ankles, wrist elbows and knees, super tired and no erections what so ever, and if I do, it’s soft.

Any advice?


Current test level: 42 nmol
Free test: 1416 pmol
SHBG: 16 nmol
Oestradiol: 52 pmol
Honestly should have just did 500mg/wk test, you wouldn’t be having all these problems.
Personally I believe sust is useless, too many different esters, but each their own.
Pretty much requires you to pin it daily and at that point just do test p, but pinning daily sucks so test C is best in my book. Less things to pin daily the better.
Honestly should have just did 500mg/wk test, you wouldn’t be having all these problems.
Personally I believe sust is useless, too many different esters, but each their own.
Pretty much requires you to pin it daily and at that point just do test p, but pinning daily sucks so test C is best in my book. Less things to pin daily the better.
To be fair I have always used Test E, until local source had run out, and went with sustanon 270 from GA (excuse me and delete it if not allow to say)
I am working with a doctor who supervises a lot of bodybuilders and he suggested primo and test as I was aromatizing quite a lot at 200 mg test (before dose was reduced to 125)
So in his book primo would be great to control my E2 without any AI
Thank you for your comment!
To be fair I have always used Test E, until local source had run out, and went with sustanon 270 from GA (excuse me and delete it if not allow to say)
I am working with a doctor who supervises a lot of bodybuilders and he suggested primo and test as I was aromatizing quite a lot at 200 mg test (before dose was reduced to 125)
So in his book primo would be great to control my E2 without any AI
Thank you for your comment!
So your just taking his word vs doing research? Let me explain, this is your first cycle, you have 2 compounds in play, you get sides you have no idea what side it is coming from
Thus , doing just test and learning how to properly control your e2 would have been better.
Every source under the sun has E and C test so again no idea why you went with sust. Guarantee using sust isnt helping your e2 as your prolly in a constant wave of up and down
So your just taking his word vs doing research? Let me explain, this is your first cycle, you have 2 compounds in play, you get sides you have no idea what side it is coming from
Thus , doing just test and learning how to properly control your e2 would have been better.
Every source under the sun has E and C test so again no idea why you went with sust. Guarantee using sust isnt helping your e2 as your prolly in a constant wave of up and down
The way you put it is totally right!
I live in NZ and finding local sources is hard (not imposible) and my source was out if C and E hence i ordered online (stupidly enough went with Sustanon) and basically yes, trusting the doc as he is a doctor who specialises in Testosterone.
It doesnt mean i have not read and read about compounds and steroids for the past 3 years since the idea came into mind (wanted to finish my family before)
But ey, we live and learn i guess.
I seriously appreciate your input and would be great to see different point of views like yours from others too.
To be fair I have always used Test E, until local source had run out, and went with sustanon 270 from GA (excuse me and delete it if not allow to say)
I am working with a doctor who supervises a lot of bodybuilders and he suggested primo and test as I was aromatizing quite a lot at 200 mg test (before dose was reduced to 125)
So in his book primo would be great to control my E2 without any AI
Thank you for your comment!
The folks saying your first cycle should be a good Test only one are right imo. I have to say though, "Damn bro, you have a cool doctor." Most of them get pretty upset when they find out you're dabbling with larger than normal dosages or with anything other than Test. They'll usually tell you to quit it. So, yeah cool doc. Careful though, a lot of the folks around here can help you through experience more than that doctor who has only theory to work with. I'd stay away from Sus, just go with Test E or Test C, it's cheap my bro :)
The folks saying your first cycle should be a good Test only one are right imo. I have to say though, "Damn bro, you have a cool doctor." Most of them get pretty upset when they find out you're dabbling with larger than normal dosages or with anything other than Test. They'll usually tell you to quit it. So, yeah cool doc. Careful though, a lot of the folks around here can help you through experience more than that doctor who has only theory to work with. I'd stay away from Sus, just go with Test E or Test C, it's cheap my bro :)
Thanks man, got 8 vials of sustanon left haha but i already got my hands on pharmacom test E.

Yes he is a cool doc indeed, but you are right sometimes exp may be better. I know he specialises in test but also bodybuilding and I guess i was trying to be extra “safe”
Thanks man, got 8 vials of sustanon left haha but i already got my hands on pharmacom test E.

Yes he is a cool doc indeed, but you are right sometimes exp may be better. I know he specialises in test but also bodybuilding and I guess i was trying to be extra “safe”
Nice dude! Hang on to the Sus, after you have some experience down the road, you might try it again. Down the road though, there are many things to learn, things about how the body responds to certain compounds, how your system deals with certain things e.g. AI vs a compound that will work like an AI. You'll get results with this cycle, you won't wake up looking like Mike Mentzer or have arms like Rich Piana, but you'll get results. Be safe, and if you continue, keep up the research. The more knowledge the better.
I probably should add that the reasoning behind the cycle at 300 and primo at 100 is that can be pushed further than 20 weeks if bloods allow it, gains has been consisten, its just the low oestrogen that started to happen after switching from Test E for test sust hence why doc believes its deca instead of sustanon as is not transforming back to Oestrogen
Send a sample of it to Janoshik, might be spelling that wrong. Someone here may be able to point you in their direction. They can tell you, for a price of course, exactly what it is.
From what I know, shipping “to” Jano is not illegal as hes a legit business and is setup to receive this stuff, legally.
I agree. I ran sustain for trt for about 9 months and hated it. My body was all over the place as far as energy levels and mood. Test cup is king for non daily injections imo. If everyday injections are no big deal to a person then it’s definitely test prop all day everyday.
Hello Everyone!
I was hoping to get some extra insight to my current situation.

I am into my first cycle, nothing big, (i have been on TRT for about 8 months learning my base feel good levels etc, always with doc supervision)
Anyways about 10 weeks ago I started a 300 mg test and 100 primo, however due to a local source issue, i went ahead and bought sustanon from a source here in this forum.
Long story short, my recent bloods revealed that my test levels are at about 42nmol/l (nz measures) this is only slighly higher from trt levels of 125mg a week, where used to be at around 36 nmol/ with estrogen sitting at around 140 pmol

Also my estrogen is now 52 pmol

My doctor believes that maybe my sustanon is not sustanon and is Deca, as he can’t not believe that Primo at 100 mg week would be crushing my estrongen that much and also considering that i was responding very good at 125mg test, he believes that by doubling the dose and then some I should be above the current number.

Has anyone had, or experienced or heard of a similar blood results?
To add to this, I definitely feel like low estrogen, sore ankles, wrist elbows and knees, super tired and no erections what so ever, and if I do, it’s soft.

Any advice?


Current test level: 42 nmol
Free test: 1416 pmol
SHBG: 16 nmol
Oestradiol: 52 pmol
What's your dose schedule, and how long after the last shot did you draw for the blood test? Sust can be many different blends of esters. Some mixes are more heavily weighted to short esters, or even no ester for a portion.

If the mix is shorter, and bloods two+ days later, it could explain your levels.
What's your dose schedule, and how long after the last shot did you draw for the blood test? Sust can be many different blends of esters. Some mixes are more heavily weighted to short esters, or even no ester for a portion.

If the mix is shorter, and bloods two+ days later, it could explain your levels.
Two times a week, being Sundays am and Wednesdays am. Bloods were taken on a Friday Am so yes makes sense what you say, since then I have swapped sustanon for test E, and feeling better, much better, but my estradiol still a bit low (new blood sets) s perhaps I am a Primo hyper responder?
Test only for your first cycle is more than enough. 300mg per week is golden. You get so much from your first cycle, you can even transform on trt amounts. No need for any other steroids.