First full bulk cycle, recommendations please


New Member
Hallo everybody, I wanted to give a full review of my physique and stuff I did till now to get some ideas and good recommendations. Like training plans, cycles, pct, diet and so on. It’s obvious that I won’t copy 100% something that somebody recommended, I think the best way would be to collect as much ideas and take out a average to get the best all around results. I hope we can get a good discussion going where everybody learns something! Here are my infos. Thanks in advance.

Weight:78kg (I am really skinny because of my height and pretty much ectomorph metabolism. More force eating needed, working on it.)

Height: 1,91m/6,3”feet

Time training: 3 years

Stuff I already took: test, dbol (low doses w/200mg test and d/10mg Dianabol. Was a shitty first cycle that helped pretty much nothing, just gave me headaches and bloated me up. 1,5 years ago, never again doing that shit without blood work and reasonable infos.)

Training plan: PPL 6 days (all the way, I don’t care if it’s the most effective or not, it’s what I like to train and gave me some results)

Source recommendations?: I live in Germany where the stuff is way harder to get than in Brasil where I lived before, I hear a lot of good stuff about human labs and hilma. I would love to hear some good sources for EU and Germany especially. Shipping doesn’t matter, just don’t let be over 14 days.

Diet recommendations/hacks: I am open minded for any good suggestions y’all have about that. If it has the macros, I don’t care about the taste xD.

Here are some fotos of my physique, jump scare warning ⚠️!
In my opinion I need pretty much more of everything, specially legs, calves are fine because of the genetic of my father but my glutes and hamstrings are ugly af. Arms need some work too and back aswell. I naturally have a very low fat percentage so I think a lean bulk is possible with a good diet. Thanks for reading till here!
Bro at 78kg and 191cm, you're a bit off the physique that is aspired to by many members here. You're lean and have some good meat on your bones, which is an excellent start. But because you're rather skinny, let us know what you'd like to look like, so we can give meaningful advice... Jay Cutler vs Zyzz in their primes.
Bro at 78kg and 191cm, you're a bit off the physique that is aspired to by many members here. You're lean and have some good meat on your bones, which is an excellent start. But because you're rather skinny, let us know what you'd like to look like, so we can give meaningful advice... Jay Cutler vs Zyzz in their primes.
To be honest I think I will never look like Zyzz in prime, but yeah that’s pretty much my goal. The typical X shape physique with a thin lower back and wide open lats and good legs. I just need to get some assistance to know what to take.
Lots of potential here my friend. 500 test per week for 16-20 weeks should be more than enough. You just need to make sure you eat. Calculate your rough tdeee online and go 500 or so past that per day at least. Good luck to you.
Lots of potential here my friend. 500 test per week for 16-20 weeks should be more than enough. You just need to make sure you eat. Calculate your rough tdeee online and go 500 or so past that per day at least. Good luck to you.
Thanks! 500mg once a week or should I split into 2-3 injections? Case you got sources feel free to dm me them. You can’t go wrong with test but I see people taking it as base rather instead of only test cycle
Thanks! 500mg once a week or should I split into 2-3 injections? Case you got sources feel free to dm me them. You can’t go wrong with test but I see people taking it as base rather instead of only test cycle
Minimum twice a week. Most guys do every other day or Mondays Thursdays.
Hallo everybody, I wanted to give a full review of my physique and stuff I did till now to get some ideas and good recommendations. Like training plans, cycles, pct, diet and so on. It’s obvious that I won’t copy 100% something that somebody recommended, I think the best way would be to collect as much ideas and take out a average to get the best all around results. I hope we can get a good discussion going where everybody learns something! Here are my infos. Thanks in advance.

Weight:78kg (I am really skinny because of my height and pretty much ectomorph metabolism. More force eating needed, working on it.)

Height: 1,91m/6,3”feet

Time training: 3 years

Stuff I already took: test, dbol (low doses w/200mg test and d/10mg Dianabol. Was a shitty first cycle that helped pretty much nothing, just gave me headaches and bloated me up. 1,5 years ago, never again doing that shit without blood work and reasonable infos.)

Training plan: PPL 6 days (all the way, I don’t care if it’s the most effective or not, it’s what I like to train and gave me some results)

Source recommendations?: I live in Germany where the stuff is way harder to get than in Brasil where I lived before, I hear a lot of good stuff about human labs and hilma. I would love to hear some good sources for EU and Germany especially. Shipping doesn’t matter, just don’t let be over 14 days.

Diet recommendations/hacks: I am open minded for any good suggestions y’all have about that. If it has the macros, I don’t care about the taste xD.

Here are some fotos of my physique, jump scare warning ⚠️!
View attachment 252122View attachment 252124
In my opinion I need pretty much more of everything, specially legs, calves are fine because of the genetic of my father but my glutes and hamstrings are ugly af. Arms need some work too and back aswell. I naturally have a very low fat percentage so I think a lean bulk is possible with a good diet. Thanks for reading till here!
Eat butter peanut
I think Driada is the king right now. CatCafe is also good, but sometimes they have stock issues. Both of these sources are really reliable.

And BGPHARMADRUGS is also excellent and he carries a wide range of stuff, including any other medication you may need.
I think Driada is the king right now. CatCafe is also good, but sometimes they have stock issues. Both of these sources are really reliable.

And BGPHARMADRUGS is also excellent and he carries a wide range of stuff, including any other medication you may need.
Thanks! Let me know if you got some more recommendations and critic for me. You awesome
Meal prep will assist in your goals. Prep several days, or more, stick in fridge and be done with it. Seems to be the most time consuming, and important part of many goals.
Meal prep will assist in your goals. Prep several days, or more, stick in fridge and be done with it. Seems to be the most time consuming, and important part of many goals.
Sure, I am already trying to do this but at the moment I have enough time to cook daily but in the future it will be for sure a good way to measure macros and cal intake.
I'd learn how to eat before you hop on, when I hopped on it gave me digestion issues and just made eating even harder, if you can't fight the last 5 spoonfuls of chicken and rice down while you're dry heaving, you have no business touching the juice yet. I mean this out of kindness, all you're going to do is fuck up your health markers and put on water weight.
I'd learn how to eat before you hop on, when I hopped on it gave me digestion issues and just made eating even harder, if you can't fight the last 5 spoonfuls of chicken and rice down while you're dry heaving, you have no business touching the juice yet. I mean this out of kindness, all you're going to do is fuck up your health markers and put on water weight.
Got you, I don’t pretend it to do in near future anyway. Sorry, forgot to mention it, but yes, I will need to work on it. I already eat a lot but there needs to be a least one-two more plates to reach the golden mid. I have a good control of low fat intake and pretty don’t consume sugar. That’s the important thing I would guess. Thanks for your feedback.
Got you, I don’t pretend it to do in near future anyway. Sorry, forgot to mention it, but yes, I will need to work on it. I already eat a lot but there needs to be a least one-two more plates to reach the golden mid. I have a good control of low fat intake and pretty don’t consume sugar. That’s the important thing I would guess. Thanks for your feedback.
No, the most important thing for making gains is getting the calories, macros and micros in, in that order of importance.

You should be nailing everything around diet, training, sleep, lifestyle and stress before you add any gear.
If you find a good training partner it will be better than a cycle for you!!! A training partner can help you get forced reps on your working sets and really push you to true failure. If you can’t get a training partner ask a random person in the gym to help you get 1-3 forced reps on your last set for each exercise, especially during leg day. I wouldn’t do a cycle yet.

You need to eat every 2-3 hours and to prioritize REAL food. Eat at least 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound, moderate fat, and play with carbs.

Track your strength, food and sleep week to week (I have an excel sheet lol). If you’re getting weaker or staying the same ask yourself, why am I not progressing? Am I not giving enough time to recover? Am I not eating enough? Am I not giving the muscle enough stimulus to grow? If you have no way to measure progress you will never know what you need to change.

the reason you aren’t growing is not your genetics, or not taking drugs. It is your improper training, eating and/or recovery.
If you find a good training partner it will be better than a cycle for you!!! A training partner can help you get forced reps on your working sets and really push you to true failure. If you can’t get a training partner ask a random person in the gym to help you get 1-3 forced reps on your last set for each exercise, especially during leg day. I wouldn’t do a cycle yet.

You need to eat every 2-3 hours and to prioritize REAL food. Eat at least 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound, moderate fat, and play with carbs.

Track your strength, food and sleep week to week (I have an excel sheet lol). If you’re getting weaker or staying the same ask yourself, why am I not progressing? Am I not giving enough time to recover? Am I not eating enough? Am I not giving the muscle enough stimulus to grow? If you have no way to measure progress you will never know what you need to change.

the reason you aren’t growing is not your genetics, or not taking drugs. It is your improper training, eating and/or recovery.
Nice points, thanks! But anyway, tren goes brrrrrrrrrrrrr (joking)
Hallo everybody, I wanted to give a full review of my physique and stuff I did till now to get some ideas and good recommendations. Like training plans, cycles, pct, diet and so on. It’s obvious that I won’t copy 100% something that somebody recommended, I think the best way would be to collect as much ideas and take out a average to get the best all around results. I hope we can get a good discussion going where everybody learns something! Here are my infos. Thanks in advance.

Weight:78kg (I am really skinny because of my height and pretty much ectomorph metabolism. More force eating needed, working on it.)

Height: 1,91m/6,3”feet

Time training: 3 years

Stuff I already took: test, dbol (low doses w/200mg test and d/10mg Dianabol. Was a shitty first cycle that helped pretty much nothing, just gave me headaches and bloated me up. 1,5 years ago, never again doing that shit without blood work and reasonable infos.)

Training plan: PPL 6 days (all the way, I don’t care if it’s the most effective or not, it’s what I like to train and gave me some results)

Source recommendations?: I live in Germany where the stuff is way harder to get than in Brasil where I lived before, I hear a lot of good stuff about human labs and hilma. I would love to hear some good sources for EU and Germany especially. Shipping doesn’t matter, just don’t let be over 14 days.

Diet recommendations/hacks: I am open minded for any good suggestions y’all have about that. If it has the macros, I don’t care about the taste xD.

Here are some fotos of my physique, jump scare warning ⚠️!
View attachment 252122View attachment 252124
In my opinion I need pretty much more of everything, specially legs, calves are fine because of the genetic of my father but my glutes and hamstrings are ugly af. Arms need some work too and back aswell. I naturally have a very low fat percentage so I think a lean bulk is possible with a good diet. Thanks for reading till here!
If you definitly decided yo use chemical steroids...
I think you just need testosterona and masteron to fix test sides... Its enough.
No mind about trembolone!! No!!! Crazy man... Its sick drugs....
You need to make a log of everything you eat for at least 2 weeks. Be completely honest with yourself and eat as you normally do. Take the time and figure out what the macros are from the food you're eating. Then do a Google search and figure out what you'll need for macros for weight gain. At least 1gr of protein minimum! This will give you an idea of the amount of food your gonna need to consume. Mental is a BIG deal!
500mg of test is ideal. If you eat like a mother and train correctly you're gonna grow. Nothing wrong with throwing in cheeseburgers and other high calorie dense food. If you start putting on more fat then you want drop the carbs for a bit. Eat, eat, eat, train, rest and recovery.
Me personally wanna simplify it as it works excellent for me at the moment and I am growing again. I started around your weight, but on 185cm, been skinny my entire life until recent years. Still struggle with size according to my opinion (feeling small), but I am now 98kgs with a decent physique.

So my advice is based on my experience.
1. The cycle that has worked best overall for me in regards to mood, health, libido, growth and I also want to add skin health is between 3-500 test e week, that added with 30 dbol a day. For me it's EXTREMELY important to dial in aromasin correctly or sides are all over the place, so make sure you have that. Everything else I have tried has more come with a cost and not worth it imo. This allows me to pin with insulin needles as well and I enjoy skipping the harpoons, I leave that to the macho boys (no scars too).
2. Don't overdo it with nutrition. I've calculated macros and tried most diets known to man and there as well, it comes with a bad cost to win ratio. I now simply aim to gain 2grams of protein per kg and more recent science I've read debunk the need for more, or rather, there is no to little proof that more has benefit. I get the side protein purely from ground chicken filé protein shakes, bad results from powders. Besides that I am mindful what I eat and make sure depending on my body to eat 3 times a day with occasional night snack, but I don't count those macros and I surely do not aim to get a bowl of salad each time as example. Just enjoy the ride, that includes food, but ofc not KFC all the time lol...
3. I cannot stress enough how important mind to muscle connection is. When I really get the contraction and squeeze until it's painful with correct posture, damn it gives result fast. So many think that they got that under control, but very few actually do. I currently split 3 days on, 1 day rest, 3 days on as so forth, splitting groups and make sure I always have a rep left in tank on big muscles, failure on small.

To make it easier:
1. Less is more (AAS).
2. Enjoy mindful nutrition, but don't overdo it.
3. Get that protein in (2-3gr per kg is my suggestion).
4. Do your training style, but make sure the muscle you wanna work really works (learn to increase/ decrease output depending what you body allow, less ego).
5. Sleep!
6. Consistency in every field, your body adapt to what you provide and do, if you mix that up it will learn that now is not the time to change.

More strict styles absolutely has its place, but if you don't aim to be on stage as a huge dream/ goal, then enjoy the ride instead with simplified protocols. You can always change along the way.

Good luck bro and great start on you!