
Don't buy test e again

Test C 200mg/ml
Holds in Siberia. GSO.
Buy 105g of test C.
Weigh it. Confirm.
Just put the beaker on the scale and throw the powder in. Let's not make science out of this.
Throw it all in a beaker.

Throw 100ml of BB in the same beaker. Use a 60ml syringe to measure.
Throw 10ml of BA in the same beaker. Use a 10ml syringe once and get done with it.
Then fill the beaker with the oil of your choice to 500ml mark.
Put the beaker on the magnetic stirrer.
50°C constant temperature. Hope your mixer has a sensor which stays submerged in the beaker.

Confirm temperature with glass thermometer.

Also these laser electronic new ones can be used. Do not trust the sensor. Confirm it is accurate.
Then,you need a magnetic stir bar. You throw it in the beaker too. Without the stir bar,there's no stirring. Only heating.

Pay close attention to this step. Very important.
You turn on the magnetic stirrer hotplate.
Light a fat Cuban cigar.

How long? Just wait. It's not as if you are doing anything, lmao.

Half an hour if it needs. Whatever. The powder should be fully dissolved.
10 minutes more or less? More won't cause any harm as long as the temperature is constant.
Then you pour this shit in a PVDF 0.22 bottle top filter screwed on a GL45 500ml Borosilicate bottle which you previously sterilized.

Ofcourse you are using an electric vacuum pump. You can't be bothered. Fat Cuban cigar mindset. Fidel Castro.
(Or buy a hand pump. Apply no stable pressure due to the nature of the hand pumps,break the filter and end up crying in the shower. Fetal position with cold water dripping on your body. Slowly. Adele music playing full on the sound system. You...crying like a pussy for not spending 25$ on an electric vacuum pump.
Also you can avoid buying a GL45 Borosilicate bottle and use the plastic ones that some bottle top filters come with. They crack from the pressure. Gear gets out. Contamination. Shower. Cry. Adele.)

Then repeat the cigar process.
Once the solution is filtered..don't bother with it.
You've got to finish the cigar.
Once you finish the cigar, you pour this shit in a 500ml funnel that you have already sterilized.
This needs a laboratory stand too.

You also have to sterilize the PTFE stopcorck of the funnel. The stopcorck is not Borosilicate. Don't think of putting this in an oven. You need to disassemble it from the funnel.
Then you cover the top of the funnel with the glass thing that normally comes with when you buy a funnel. You've sterilized that too...ofcourse.
Make sure the funnel you bought is Borosilicate.
There are funnels available that aren't Borosilicate.
Then,you practice crimping. You buy the cheapest crimper on earth.
It takes some failures to get it right.
Once you have it right, sterilize vials, rubbers, aluminum seals.
Put each vial under the funnel, turn the valve, fill.
Close the valve.
Put rubber stopper.
Aluminum seal.
Crimp vial.
Next vial.
No cigar for this one. You need both hands.
Time to pass it to the next in line. Don't be a dick.

There you go.
500ml of test c at 200mg/ml +5%OD.
Will not crystallize in Siberia.
Will not cause pip.
Will not be cloudy.
48x10ml vials of test c 200mg/ml 5%OD.
Because of losses and overfilling some vials.
Part of the game.
Zyzz it.

I give no advice for sterilization.
I have access to different types of autoclaves.

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