1st picture was 14th June the morning of my knee surgery, I was sitting roughly 92-93kg. Since November 2022 I have been using between 250mg-500mg Test per week. Eating badly and not training. Dropped from 108kg(lots of gear)

I started at 2iu MTWFS(Mon, Tues, wed, Fri, sat) on the 19th June and upped to 4iu on 3rd July and have been sat there since. Been doing upper body at home nothing major at all as I don't have lot of equipment.

I feel absolutely great, I feel my knee is recovering at a decent rate and legs are nearly ready to be properly trained again.

I plan to start a proper log when I decide what to run, waiting for another MRI to see where my liver and gallbladder is at the go from there.

2nd pic this morning, 96.7kg. I know completely different angles and lightning but I can see improvements, very happy with HGH, I dropped 4k on fake Hyges a few years back so iv not been near it since just used insulin alone woth AAS


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Thanks for posting. I've been debating hyaluronic acid gell injections and knee surgery for medial miniscus tear, which is impacting my ability to run. My challenge is that I am in my mid 50's so not going to heal as easy as if I was younger. Doing all I can including physical therapy, working out, eating right, sleep, peptides, hGH and hormone optimization. So, my question is: What kind of knee surgery and did they give you a range of months for partial or full recovery?
Only downside I experienced myself is that with daily rHGH administration my insulin sensitivity can go to shit if I am not careful.

But overall the benefits are huge.
Thanks for posting. I've been debating hyaluronic acid gell injections and knee surgery for medial miniscus tear, which is impacting my ability to run. My challenge is that I am in my mid 50's so not going to heal as easy as if I was younger. Doing all I can including physical therapy, working out, eating right, sleep, peptides, hGH and hormone optimization. So, my question is: What kind of knee surgery and did they give you a range of months for partial or full recovery?
Hi there, it was a knee arthroscopy wherby I had the damaged parts of miniscus shaved away. They told me 8 weeks until full recovery.
First week was extremely painful I would recommend extensive rest then I slowly got up and moving.

Unfortunately my surgeon said this surgery could cause more problems after 8 weeks and most people will be back with problems.
Hi there, it was a knee arthroscopy wherby I had the damaged parts of miniscus shaved away. They told me 8 weeks until full recovery.
First week was extremely painful I would recommend extensive rest then I slowly got up and moving.

Unfortunately my surgeon said this surgery could cause more problems after 8 weeks and most people will be back with problems.
Thanks for the response. I think the hGH is a great way to provide adequate nutrients for ATP and protein synthesis, with benefits for knee repair (aiding skeletal muscle, bone/cartilige, liver and other cells via IGF-I production). Are you doing any wolverine protocol (BPC-157, TB-500, etc)? Interested in hearing how this heals for you. I have a friend who is in her 50's, had the knee arthoscopy surgery when she was 40, but recovered and still runs today.
Only downside I experienced myself is that with daily rHGH administration my insulin sensitivity can go to shit if I am not careful.

But overall the benefits are huge.
How did you combat insulin resitance? Berbine, Metformin? What dose of HGH were you using and for how long?
Would you use a BG monitor to check levels or did you check A1C number?
Hi I'm always checking BG readings as I actually suffer from low blood sugar. Most mornings I wake up hypo at 2.6 or around 50 whichever measure you use

My doc tells me just drink coke for breakfast.... Seriously.

I use insulin some times depending obviously on my readings. I had collapsed one day at work and fell into a diabetic coma, this was put down as reactive hypoglycemia, I'd had two large high carb meals just before it happened.

since then doctors can't seem to work out why I'm always low. His answer as I said was drink coke upon waking if I feel low.

I have used insulin over roughly a 10 year period in which I don't believe sensitivity has changed, I can use what I class as a high dose and when I stop using I go hypo more often than if not using it. I tend to stay away now I'm older and wiser I value my health a lot more even now than my previous years.

The docs first speculation was a low carb diet causing the hypos so he was shocked seeing a food diary most days consisting of 600g+ carbs

I'm currently still on 4iu MTWFS protocol since 3rd July. Happy with how I feel so I'm keeping this dose for a while and see what it brings long term
I suggest post cycle dropping to 1 - 1.2 IU daily. I love HGH but go Hypoglycemic after 4 hours even on this dose after waking up. Love HGH.

Man I wish my doc would say drink coca cola for breakfast haha. I you have the time man just make some protein pancakes with real syrup, plenty of sugar in that. That'll do ya well.
Thanks for the response. I think the hGH is a great way to provide adequate nutrients for ATP and protein synthesis, with benefits for knee repair (aiding skeletal muscle, bone/cartilige, liver and other cells via IGF-I production). Are you doing any wolverine protocol (BPC-157, TB-500, etc)? Interested in hearing how this heals for you. I have a friend who is in her 50's, had the knee arthoscopy surgery when she was 40, but recovered and still runs today.
Def add the BPC if anything at 500mcg daily. HGH increases receptors at soft tissue/tendon sites, so MORE BPC can bind there, increasing the effectiveness.
Hi I'm always checking BG readings as I actually suffer from low blood sugar. Most mornings I wake up hypo at 2.6 or around 50 whichever measure you use

My doc tells me just drink coke for breakfast.... Seriously.

I use insulin some times depending obviously on my readings. I had collapsed one day at work and fell into a diabetic coma, this was put down as reactive hypoglycemia, I'd had two large high carb meals just before it happened.

since then doctors can't seem to work out why I'm always low. His answer as I said was drink coke upon waking if I feel low.

I have used insulin over roughly a 10 year period in which I don't believe sensitivity has changed, I can use what I class as a high dose and when I stop using I go hypo more often than if not using it. I tend to stay away now I'm older and wiser I value my health a lot more even now than my previous years.

The docs first speculation was a low carb diet causing the hypos so he was shocked seeing a food diary most days consisting of 600g+ carbs

I'm currently still on 4iu MTWFS protocol since 3rd July. Happy with how I feel so I'm keeping this dose for a while and see what it brings long term
Awesome. What was your basis for dosing pattern of MTWFS?
I suggest post cycle dropping to 1 - 1.2 IU daily. I love HGH but go Hypoglycemic after 4 hours even on this dose after waking up. Love HGH.

Man I wish my doc would say drink coca cola for breakfast haha. I you have the time man just make some protein pancakes with real syrup, plenty of sugar in that. That'll do ya well.
I seem to meet all the crazy ones her in the UK. Iv just had an abscess removed from my bicep, luckily it was subq so no muscle damage, he told me to get back in the gym the next day. This is with a 3inch open wound in the arm haha second opinions said no way!!
Def add the BPC if anything at 500mcg daily. HGH increases receptors at soft tissue/tendon sites, so MORE BPC can bind there, increasing the effectiveness.
Yes I'm looking at trying BPC as soon as funds allow iv heard great things.
Awesome. What was your basis for dosing pattern of MTWFS?
Just Purley as there is only ever one day between injections. I use my AAS the same fashion so 3 days on, day off, 2 days on etc. Iv just always preferred this over 5 days on 2 off.