First Test C Deca Dbol Cycle

Evil Angel 89

New Member
Hello all,
Finally deciding to add Deca to my cycle and looking for additional advice from the more knowledged. Been on gear for a good while now and multiple cycles in the bank. Always did the following

1-4: DBol 30mg
1-12:Test C 500mg
1-12arimidex .5mg

Nolva 40/20/20
Clom 100/50/50

Now, this is what I'm thinking..
1-4 Dbol 30mg
1-14 Test C 750mg
1-13 Deca 400mg
1-14 AI .5 EOD

SAME as before. The Deca should be out of my system before I start taking the Nolva and Clom

*I will have Caber on hand if needed but with the AI on cycle I hope it's not needed.

***Side note***
I recently had gyno surgery done and the whole gland was removed and this will be my first cycle since the surgery. Got the gyno from pro hormones in my teen years. 28 now and kept the gyno under control when I started taking gear after tons and tons of research so hoping the gyno shouldn't come back but better safe than sorry!! Any additional advice, suggestions, comments will be greatly appreciated.

12% BF
Plan on eating 4300-4600 cal a day.
"CABER" (or any other dopamine agonist) is NOT NEEDED for ANY AAS CYCLE!

Oh and providing ALL the breast tissue was surgically removed, your GCM will NOT return, yet you're unaware of these facts in spite of "tons and tons" of research, in Ladies Home Journal!

Finally why do so many folk overlook their age on Meso, such as yourself, I mean dude are you "26", "28" or none of the above, lol!

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"CABER" (or any other dopamine agonist) is NOT NEEDED for ANY AAS CYCLE!

Oh and providing ALL the breast tissue was surgically removed, your GCM will NOT return, yet you're unaware of these facts in spite of "tons and tons" of research, in Ladies Home Journal!

Finally why do so many folk overlook their age on Meso, such as yourself, I mean dude are you "26", "28" or none of the above, lol!

FYI Dr Jim,
I know you post a lot on here so I'm going to be cordial with you, I'm 26, my finger must've accidentally hit the 8 instead of 6 honest mistake. It happens with smartphones so slow your roll.

2.) Not ALL of the gyno was removed, they had to leave some behind the nipple so it wouldn't look sunken it, and the DR told me it is possible it could come back given pro hormones is what caused the issue but I still like to get second opinions.

3.) I wasn't sure about Caber that's why I asked and thought this was where people were supposed to get help or information, from what I read, including post on here that you want to have Caber on hand with Decca or NPP. If you're saying that's not the case than ok thanks for the input but you could've been done without the insult as my age was just an honest mistake.
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PS you didn't criticize my cycle so I'm going to assume that looks good or I'm sure you would've talked shit about it. Thanks for nothing!