First time doing a pct. need help!


New Member
Hey guys I'm running test c at 500mg a week, injections are Monday and Thursday. I'm also running dbol at 50mgs per day. This is my second cycle and getting explosive gains from it. I have cycled before, but never ran a pct. can anyone give me some info on what to run as a pct, how long and dosages? Thanks bros!
Seriously man, this is the kind of thing you KNOW BY HEART before u cycle. Search around on this site outside the forums for anti estrogen drug profiles. There's some good stuff in the stickies on this forum too. Start there. Read profiles by Bill Roberts on nolvadex, and clomid as well. Getting the info yourself will make u retain it better than someone just telling you exactly what to do, besides it is better to make your own decisions on what u put into your body.
Seriously man, this is the kind of thing you KNOW BY HEART before u cycle. Search around on this site outside the forums for anti estrogen drug profiles. There's some good stuff in the stickies on this forum too. Start there. Read profiles by Bill Roberts on nolvadex, and clomid as well. Getting the info yourself will make u retain it better than someone just telling you exactly what to do, besides it is better to make your own decisions on what u put into your body.
Thank you bro, I know I'm a newbie but I'm still learning. Thanks for the info
Its scary how unprepared some people are when using AAS... A kid I work with, 18, comes in to work the other week sore from hitting the Gym, never really been before so I asked why the sudden interest in the getting buff and he tells me him and his mates have booked a holiday to Ibiza for July... So I start giving him some tips and stuff and he stops me dead and says it's Ok, I've got some Steroids... Pining himself, twice weekly on the back of what a mates told him and that's it...

I'm not putting you in the same bracket pal, but can't stress how important research is prior to putting this stuff in your body, newbie or not there's no need to learn from your mistakes as there's a world wide web of information out there, you need to get the basics right.

As a minimum IMO it's:
Clomid 50mg for 2 weeks, 25mg for 4 weeks
Nolvadex 20mg for 6 weeks

I prefer a low dose PCT spread over a longer time period to minimise sides.

Also an AI on available if any Gyno symptoms occur...

You DO need to do pct.
It depends on what you can get.

At least you should take some 10mg nolva, preferably 20mg
I'd suggest an Aromatase Inhibitor AI but many AIs even research chemicals are fake or underdosed. If the OP is asking such a basic question on PCT likely he won't know of any good ancillary source and will be scammed.
Thanks for the great info guys. Sorry if I jumped the gun on this stuff, but I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who got excited when it came to getting ahold of gear. I ordered some nolva from European pharmaceuticals, heard a lot of great reviews reviews about him.
You can start with 20 mg ED to counteract the increased estrogen from test and dbol and taper down to just 5 mg as there's a Pubmed study that shows that 5 mg is enough to increase natural test.
When running an AI. Should it be used during cycle or running it for pct be ok? I'm on week six of test c and stopped dbol after four weeks. No sign of gyno, but I ordered an AI just in case. Planning to run a 10-12 week cycle.
Thank you bro, I know I'm a newbie but I'm still learning. Thanks for the info

Yea and that's the concern bc at age 23 you're running a second cycle and are only now inquiring about PCT.

Have you any pre-cycle labs to post for either of these cycles?

How about POST-cycle labs to prove HTPA recovery was acheived.

Finally do tell WHY you elected to cycle AAS from the outset?

I feel sorry for kids like you bc you have no idea WTF your doing following some notion of "pin first and ask questions later".

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I don't believe steroids have the stigma they have in the public eye becuase every individual who decides to partake is educated and ready to make the decision theyre making. It's because of the pin first ask later mentality @Dr JIM is talking about. The OP will likely never have blood work done and if , a big IF he does, he won't take the time to find out what he's really looking at or the proper course of action. Here's hoping I'm wrong. Refer to beginning of this post for evidence of why I probably won't be.
I understand where you guys are coming from. Yes I did jump the gun. Yes I should of taken more time to research, which is my own ignorance. Thanks for your guys concern, I have been reading a lot about research on AAS. I also have made an appointment to have blood work done. Thank you for your criticism.
I understand where you guys are coming from. Yes I did jump the gun. Yes I should of taken more time to research, which is my own ignorance. Thanks for your guys concern, I have been reading a lot about research on AAS. I also have made an appointment to have blood work done. Thank you for your criticism.

European labs here has pharmacy stuff, sounds like you've already ordered from him, get all of your pct and ai, and hcg from him
AAS are NOT "the problem" but the aberrant MINDSET of those who abuse them.

AAS experimenters like IZZY are those
who will soon discover how complicated the appropriate use of PEDS can be.

Like most his age who haven't the faintest idea about the meaning of "research" he will end up on one of several threads where other youngsters "need help" bc they didn't listen to sound advice.
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