First time Pct


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10+ Year Member
Need help on what to take never pct before. Last 4 months been on test cyp but low dose due to having low test levels of 60. For three months I was on half cc to 1 cc a week with no signs of feeling better so I bumped it up two cc's (500mgs) a week for a month now where I feel a lot better. My question is should I pct now or stay on because I don't wanna go thru that feeling again of not feeling myself... What should I pct with? Weeks dosage etc. etc. Any advice would be greatly appreciated
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King, was there a reason for the low T ?
Prior cycling or medication?
Is this Doctor prescribed or self medicated trt?
Sorry but Yea low t was due to a cycle of test and deca and I didn't pct and messed up by running deca last which caused me to have low testosterone
So your going off an on TRT throughout the year or are you just "blasting and cruising"? Most people, that I know of, just stay on TRT and never take periods off....But you could try running hCG along with Clomid and Nolva to try restoring hpta function for pct. There is a specific way to do this and I would rather you get a protocol for how to run these things from someone more qualified than me. PM Dr. Scally. I haven't ran hCG but I haven't been "on" for as long as you. If your not trying to "go thru that feeling again of not feeling myself" again, your best bet would be to run hCG. But your not going to feel like you did on 500mg a week of test normally, ever. You have become accustomed to the feeling that supraphysiological levels of testosterone give, which are impossible to achieve unless you either naturally have extremely high testosterone or you are using AAS. You may find out that you have forgotten what "normal" feels like.

I would like to see more people with cases of ASIH report back after running hCG and SERMs. I don't know if this is applies to you, since you never run PCT or gave yourself enough time to recover. But I see people reporting hypogonadism after running gear asking for help and after they get the advice they never let us know how they are doing. Did they just go on trt, did they just stay on one long cycle, did they recover, did they commit suicide? Would be nice to know what happens to these people.
I very always felt Ok even after I did a cycle. But the last time I ran test and deca and came off I felt bad it was the first time ever that's why I'm looking in pct I'm new on this site and wondering how to PM Dr Scally? I'm us8ng Tapatalk app will I be able to do this or only directly from a browser?