First time SERMs & AIs for natural test boosting effects


Hello everyone,

I am considering taking Clomid and Aromasin to boost my testosterone (low T, low lh, low fsh) but I am not sure how much to take per day, and how long to take them.

Also, are there any reports or findings on any negative side effects of cease from use? Is it okay to take these compounds long term? Are there any precautions I need to take? I've read somewhere some patients have experienced permanent boost in testosterone levels even after discontinued use.

Btw I am a 176 pound male, 5 foot 8, hopefully that helps.

Much appreciation and gratitude.
Hey mate, i am about to start clomid shortly and am in a very similar boat to you, low LH Low FSH low Free & Total test.

All the research i have done on pubmed and various studies show that, well more study needs to be done on the best dosages and best way to take clomid.
What i have been able to find in terms of common results in studies are:

the differences in dosages dont effect your results drastically, most studies found that while (for example) taking 50mg clomid per day may result in higher free test then 12.5mg per day the differences are insignificant

When discontinuing clomid, the younger you are the better chances you have of keeping high test levels

Again this is my interpretation of the studies i have read up on, and there isnt really enough research to know for sure. im seeing an endo in a few days (have had no success with any endo even hearing of clomid used To treat low test) once i see him, hear what he has to say, make sure he doesnt want more bloods, i am going to take:
50mg per day for 2 days
25mg per day for 6 days
12.5mg per day for 3 months

Hopefully my test levels are maintained after i stop taking clomid, im fairly young so hoping for good results

I dont think you would need an AI with the clomid, you dont want to crash your E levels, and considering your test is low, your E may very well be low also

In terms of side effects, most (reversable after immediate discontinuation) side affects occur @ 50mg - 100mg per day when taken long term, and is a problem with eye sight. However even at these high dosages dont affect the majority of people, so i feel comfortable, considering i will be taking a significantly lower dose

Hope that helps mate
Nolva (Tamoxifen) is better than Clomid

The administration of tamoxifen, 20 mg/day for 10 days, to normal males produced a moderate increase in luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), testosterone, and estradiol levels, comparable to the effect of 150 mg of clomiphene citrate (Clomid). However, whereas Clomid produced a decrease in the LH response to LH-releasing hormone (LHRH), no such effect was seen after the administration of tamoxifen. In fact, prolonged treatment (6 weeks) with tamoxifen significantly increased the LH response to LHRL

5 mg nolva may be enough to boost T

No statistically significant difference was found between the two subgroups of patients treated with either the lower (5 or 10 mg once daily) or higher dose of tamoxifen (10 mg twice daily) with respect to basal or LHRH stimulated gonadotropin and testosterone response or the E2/T ratio and the effect on sperm density and total sperm output.
Hey mate, i am about to start clomid shortly and am in a very similar boat to you, low LH Low FSH low Free & Total test.

All the research i have done on pubmed and various studies show that, well more study needs to be done on the best dosages and best way to take clomid.
What i have been able to find in terms of common results in studies are:

the differences in dosages dont effect your results drastically, most studies found that while (for example) taking 50mg clomid per day may result in higher free test then 12.5mg per day the differences are insignificant

When discontinuing clomid, the younger you are the better chances you have of keeping high test levels

Again this is my interpretation of the studies i have read up on, and there isnt really enough research to know for sure. im seeing an endo in a few days (have had no success with any endo even hearing of clomid used To treat low test) once i see him, hear what he has to say, make sure he doesnt want more bloods, i am going to take:
50mg per day for 2 days
25mg per day for 6 days
12.5mg per day for 3 months

Hopefully my test levels are maintained after i stop taking clomid, im fairly young so hoping for good results

I dont think you would need an AI with the clomid, you dont want to crash your E levels, and considering your test is low, your E may very well be low also

In terms of side effects, most (reversable after immediate discontinuation) side affects occur @ 50mg - 100mg per day when taken long term, and is a problem with eye sight. However even at these high dosages dont affect the majority of people, so i feel comfortable, considering i will be taking a significantly lower dose

Hope that helps mate
I appreciate your findings and experience.

I too am relatively young, 24 years old and why do you suppose younger people have a better chance of keeping their test levels once treatment is discontinued?

Also, how old are you and when did symptoms of low T begin. What do you think caused this?

For me personally, I believe accutane messed up my endocrine system.

Also, I've seen a couple endocrinologists and one had the audacity to say the reason I am big and have lower end of normal range testosterone is because maybe there was anabolic steroids in my optimum nutrition creatine. Imagine how angry I was, at her ignorance. She said supplement companies are not regulated so there might be a chance that they put roids Into them. I was at a loss for words...

Anyways thanks bro!
Nolva (Tamoxifen) is better than Clomid

The administration of tamoxifen, 20 mg/day for 10 days, to normal males produced a moderate increase in luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), testosterone, and estradiol levels, comparable to the effect of 150 mg of clomiphene citrate (Clomid). However, whereas Clomid produced a decrease in the LH response to LH-releasing hormone (LHRH), no such effect was seen after the administration of tamoxifen. In fact, prolonged treatment (6 weeks) with tamoxifen significantly increased the LH response to LHRL
Hormonal effects of an antiestrogen, tamoxifen, in normal and oligospermic men. - PubMed - NCBI

5 mg nolva may be enough to boost T

No statistically significant difference was found between the two subgroups of patients treated with either the lower (5 or 10 mg once daily) or higher dose of tamoxifen (10 mg twice daily) with respect to basal or LHRH stimulated gonadotropin and testosterone response or the E2/T ratio and the effect on sperm density and total sperm output.
Effect of Lower Versus Higher Doses of Tamoxifen on Pituitary-Gonadal Function and Sperm Indices in Oligozoospermic Men - DONY - 2009 - Andrologia - Wiley Online Library
Would you happen to know the differences in clomid and nolvadex? Aren't they just both SERMs. I wonder what makes one different from the other.
Also, I think people can say that about other drugs like viagara vs Cialis. Different individuals had success with one or the other. Maybe it depends on the person? Idk.

Thank you for your input and taking the time to respond!
Hello everyone,

I am considering taking Clomid and Aromasin to boost my testosterone (low T, low lh, low fsh) but I am not sure how much to take per day, and how long to take them.

Also, are there any reports or findings on any negative side effects of cease from use? Is it okay to take these compounds long term? Are there any precautions I need to take? I've read somewhere some patients have experienced permanent boost in testosterone levels even after discontinued use.

Btw I am a 176 pound male, 5 foot 8, hopefully that helps.

Much appreciation and gratitude.

one had the audacity to say the reason I am big and have lower end of normal range testosterone is because maybe there was anabolic steroids in my optimum nutrition creatine


It would be nice if those who have learned how to place their foot in their mouth could learn how to remove it bc maybe if you spent some time researching your doctors comments you could apologize bc DESIGER AAS HAVE BEEN DETECTED IN OTC SUPPLEMENTS and in quantities significant enough to effect YOUR HORMONE levels.

Start reading and get that foot out of your mouth kido!
It would be nice if those who have learned how to place their foot in their mouth could learn how to remove it bc maybe if you spent some time researching your doctors comments you could apologize bc DESIGER AAS HAVE BEEN DETECTED IN OTC SUPPLEMENTS and in quantities significant enough to effect YOUR HORMONE levels.

Start reading and get that foot out of your mouth kido!
Obviously there is google but isn't this forum supposed to be used to help one another. I'd like to see people's input. Also, what do you mean by desiger, misspell? If steroids were detected in said supplements why are my test values low and my balls are intact and not shriveled up?
Obviously there is google but isn't this forum supposed to be used to help one another. I'd like to see people's input. Also, what do you mean by desiger, misspell? If steroids were detected in said supplements why are my test values low and my balls are intact and not shriveled up?

He meant designer steroids have been found in OTC "supplements".

If there were in fact steroids in your supplements your test could be low bc steroids shut down the body's natural production of testosterone. Nuts shriveling up doesn't happen to everybody.