fist PCT after first cycle

You had ten weeks to build the lump under your nipple, it's not gonna go away in a couple weeks.
You can easily start your PCT 3 weeks after last pin of test e, and if that means only one week of hcg, than that's OK.
Go get bloods done again and see what your E2 is, crashing your estro will not help your nip situation at all.

What brand is your Adex?
adex is astrezeneca...1mg x tablet
so I dont do 14 days of hcg?? just 7 days???
my 3rd week after test pin is next thursday.
if crashing estro wont help my nip, what will it??
...and stay away from AAS until you've properly educated yourself. Lesson learned i hope. But youre on the right track...keep digging in.
damn, I payed a coach for that reason, to have my shoulders covered...and he coaches lot of guys out there...and many of them win lot of shows...from HP, to openclass, to man phisique...but he seems did lot of mistakes with my prep...which the main mistake during my cycle??? absence of adex and hcg during, or the association of deca and test-e?
absence of AI during cycle was pretty poor coaching, that's why you have a lump.
Deca during first cycle, while not conservative, was not a complete screwup.

Lots of folks PCT w/o hcg, If you do it for one week and then start with your SERMS you'll be in pretty good shape.

I'd stop the Adex and start with aromasin at 4mg a day.

Nolva should stop any E2 from reaching your nips, it's a breast cancer drug.
Absence of a quality AI on cycle and hCG. Im sure your coach is proficient in diet and exercise, but appears to coming up short on AAS. hCG is best used on-cycle, not during recovery or end of cycle.
thx y'all...he told me he didin't let me take AI during because I did a very low dosage cycle, in his opinion...that's why...but it was not a wise idea, given my sides.
so, I start as soon as possible (think 2morrow) 7 days of hcg (how many pin should I do in 7 days?? 3 or 2??) and aromasin at the same time, then stop everything and start nolva/clomid for 6 weeks, right?? without hcg and AI...
Begin your PCT now. Clomid/Nolva for 4 weeks..nothing more..just Clomid and Nolva.

Clomid 75/50/50/50
Nolva 40/20/20/20

If you want to front load the second week of Nolva, that's fine too. And if you continue to experience infant stages of gyno, pick up Raloxifene and run it @ 60mg/day until your gyno completely disappears. (Ralox has a binding affinity 10x that of tamoxifen/nolva)
Begin your PCT now. Clomid/Nolva for 4 weeks..nothing more..just Clomid and Nolva.

Clomid 75/50/50/50
Nolva 40/20/20/20

If you want to front load the second week of Nolva, that's fine too. And if you continue to experience infant stages of gyno, pick up Raloxifene and run it @ 60mg/day until your gyno completely disappears. (Ralox has a binding affinity 10x that of tamoxifen/nolva)
start pct now???:eek: what's about the 7 days of hcg suggested by Burrr???
Im a little confused right now, lot of opposite opinions...
Run with NN's suggestions. I believe he is more qualified than me on this matter.
It wont hurt you if you do...relax man. You sound like a panicked school girl. Speaking of schools, there are more than one school of thought here. Both are fine. I simply feel that you do not require hCG at THIS time.
Yep bro, I look like a hysteric girl right now...I thought I could avoid some kind of issue by paying a coach...but here we are, discussing about things that he should have planned better. Ok guys, Ill do as you said...nolva and clomid for 4 weeks...and crossed fingers!
It's a good thing that you can still go beat the shit out of your "coach?" He is a complete lopp and Burr and Northern here have given you some very good advice. There was another gentleman that tried to calm you down with gentle taking but yku couldn't hear the man with all the panicking. Your in good hands finally. Next time read for yourself friend, then you won't have this shit happen. Hope you won.
hi guys,
I did my last pin of hcg today (I did 8days hcg cycle) can I start my pct with clomid and nolva??? Can I start Tomorrow or should I wait for few days??
yep bro, today was the 21st day! I was wondering if I should wait for few days before pct, given the fact I did a little cycle of hcg while waiting!
Begin your PCT now. Clomid/Nolva for 4 weeks..nothing more..just Clomid and Nolva.

Clomid 75/50/50/50
Nolva 40/20/20/20

If you want to front load the second week of Nolva, that's fine too. And if you continue to experience infant stages of gyno, pick up Raloxifene and run it @ 60mg/day until your gyno completely disappears. (Ralox has a binding affinity 10x that of tamoxifen/nolva)
We thought you had listened to the advise that was given. Thought you were going to stop doing the shit that you "thought was a good idea" likr listening to your coach and yourself? Whatever, not my trip.
:eek: my coach didn't say to do hcg while waiting for pct...burr said and Dr.Scally said, I follow what somebody among you said, bro! Didnt't listen to myself and my coach neither!
I didn't begin pct when NorthenNutrition suggested, because I was only 2 weeks from my last test-e pin...and everybody here told me I must wait 3 weeks before pct!