FNG Here


New Member
Hello All,

Just a short intro on my self. I turn 40 this month. I’m 5’10 175 lbs. 3 kids and a wife. I’m a grain farmer in the upper plains area and also a land broker/auctioneer. I was in the Marines 02-06 (this should explain my poor spelling and grammar) and then did some contracting 06-10’ overseas. Those were good days where access to pharmacies was simple. We were truly able to train and build in ways that made us better at our job and better teammates. Getting big was never a goal and not really a good thing for that line of work. Biggest I ever got was 190 at 5’10. Ideal shape for me was typically about 180 and if got bigger then my max pull-up and run times would slip to unacceptable levels, not to mention overall effectiveness. Since 2010, like most combat veterans, I’ve had multiple surgeries. AC joint, shattered talus and tib/fib, fusions c5-c7. Today I’m 40 and been through the western medicine bullshit for years and been amazed how ignorant and close minded most doctors are. I did as I was told and took their medicine (including opioids) and totally lost faith and became disheartened with 98% of doctors. I have been on TRT for 7 years through the VA actually. 4 weeks ago my pain doctor (who is a great doc) wrote me a script for Genotropin, although it is ridic at $1500 for 14 shots of Mini Quicks, off-label for experimental pain reduction. I can tell it is working, mostly by the fact I’m sleeping for the first time in 13 years. I believe it will be a game changer for a guy who is simply trying to stay healthy so that I can continue to be a good dad and meet my responsibilities on the farm. But the cost above is really too much. This has led to alot of researching of peptides and all other opportunities outside traditional healthcare. It’s amazing how bad our health system is and how much we can learn from each other. I greatly appreciate finding this forum and look forward to learning from everyone here. If you have any questions about myself or history, hit me up. Thank you for allowing myself to be here.
Welcome to the board.

Thank you for your service. Hope to see you posting and contributing around the board.
Welcome to the board brother. I think I have an old pack of crayons lying around if you get hungry. Lol. Hope to see you around here