Formestane for pct


New Member
Recently I've heard
Many good things about formestane and people loving the shit. So I decided I'd like to try some out for myself when pct rolls around. I'm thinking of picking some up from mjr, but not sure if his is oral or subdermal? It can't be taken orally to reach good effects right??? Any expirience appreciated.
I have also heard the same. Supposed to help big time with losing weight but maintaining gains if you bulked while on cycle, and it also helps gyno I have heard. Im picking up some from olympus labs and gonna run it during/post pct as a bridge.
Me too brother, now can it be taken orally ??? Mjr is oral preparation but everyone else is subdermal????
Nope it is a topical ointment. Best time to use is after showering and apply to big areas; I.e. chest, stomach, upper back, obliques.....obviously make sure you shave lol, and keep the area dry and shirtless for 30 mins after application.
Yep this is what I figured, an if the company I get it from simply suspends it in oil is there a way to make it topical??? Rubbing alcahol??
Me too brother, now can it be taken orally ??? Mjr is oral preparation but everyone else is subdermal????

Yea it actually can be taken orally with a similar, 40%, reduction in baseline serum estrogen levels based on two studies in breast CA patients.

However I do not believe isolated AI therapy is adequate for PCT especially in those that really "need it" (mates > 30-35 and/or the cycling of several high potency AAS)

I guess one ADVANTAGE is the ability to use Formestane on a weekly or bimonthly basis and yet still achieve a similar reduction in E-2 as the oral route. (Interestingly because it's GI absorption is so poor the bimonthly dose is identical to the daily dose, 250mg for both.

I believe it's available as a topical preparation at some compounding pharmacies.

IMO there is NO NEED to use any AI as "bridging therapy" bc as little as 100mg of TT per week markedly reduces LH secretion and in many instances lowers it's level to zippo.

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Actually I may have jumped the gun there a bit, so you tell me, what you fellas mean by "bridging therapy"!

Doc you're a huge asset to this community and I appreciate the responses. So you are saying either way taken it's dosage it 250 mg daily. I was thinking as using it as a standalone after pct for a bit to keep natty levels up and e not to high.

Because of it's poor GI absorption the ORAL DOSE is 250mg INCE a DAY.

However, when used parenterally it's to be dosed at 250mg ONCE every TWO WEEKS and depending upon E-2 levels the injection frequency may be DECREASED to ONCE A WEEK

(Now u understand why I wanted u to start a thread :)
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