From bulking with Deca to cutting with Tren..


New Member
Just coming to the end of my bulking cycle (1200test/600deca) weekly & starting my cut with Tren next month. Due to the half life of both it makes sense that I should start reducing the Deca now, and start with a low dose of Tren, increasing the Tren dose weekly.

Had anybody tried this before or is it preferred to come off the deca & then start the Tren?
Just coming to the end of my bulking cycle (1200test/600deca) weekly & starting my cut with Tren next month. Due to the half life of both it makes sense that I should start reducing the Deca now, and start with a low dose of Tren, increasing the Tren dose weekly.

Had anybody tried this before or is it preferred to come off the deca & then start the Tren?
I've done the same exact thing your explaining in the past, just lower dose, an added a little dbol here and there pwo. I had amazing results, best I've ever had in a short amount of time.

I actually grew and got stronger into my cut. So much so I messed up my shoulder at the very end. I'd recommend when you switch to tren drink shit tons of water I think all the sweating dehydrates u, also run tren a, its out of ur system faster if u have to bail. Also start low just 750 test 300 tren can be a mad man.

I guess it is common place now days to hold between cycles a few weeks. I guess I'd recommend just a 4 week break. I think the main reason for it would be just to to get a break from higher doses for long periods of time.
Keep an eye on your prolactin levels
Get some prami or cabergolin just in case
If you wanna go easy on your body take p5p
Or just lower the done of your 19 nors

One more thing
Stay away from long acting 19 nors such deca
Way too many side effects that won’t go away easily
Stick to npp and tren a
Keep an eye on your prolactin levels
Get some prami or cabergolin just in case
If you wanna go easy on your body take p5p
Or just lower the done of your 19 nors

One more thing
Stay away from long acting 19 nors such deca
Way too many side effects that won’t go away easily
Stick to npp and tren a
Excellent point my friend. Why go from 19 nor to 19 nor. Unless you are just begging for a case of gyno. I just came off of 200 mg dec / week and immediately had signs of gyno. Same thing happened with tren and Trestolone. Those are now on my naughty list
Keep an eye on your prolactin levels
Get some prami or cabergolin just in case
If you wanna go easy on your body take p5p
Or just lower the done of your 19 nors

One more thing
Stay away from long acting 19 nors such deca
Way too many side effects that won’t go away easily
Stick to npp and tren a
I'm on caber already. I started this cycle 600test/600deca but got deca dick & immediately countered that with the extra Test. Hence ancillaries were deployed twice weekly.

I'm phasing the deca dose down now & planning 600test/300tren which I'll kick off this week with 100mg
This thread intrests me. Have ran a few cycles and am currently running 500 test 500deca and having good results with practically no sides. 12.5mg aromasin twice a week is keeping e in control and dick in flying form. Was thinking of moving over to tren amd dropping the deca, have never taken it and was curious on dosing and wether to drop the test down a bit and run 150tren or leave the test b. Any input would be great.
Tren over deca any day of the week. If you can handle tren and bulk on it, it's just fucking crazy. High T + tren + inj dbol is where I managed to bench 440lbs. Crazy bulk to say the least.
Ye I'm in a bulk at the moment planning to cut the 3rd week in January or so. This is my second time running deca and my body seems to handle it rather well none of those weird sides people seem to experience like depression etc. Was hoping I'm one of rhe lucky ones who does ok on tren. And looking to push my lifts up there.
It’s a classic thing to do and that’s where equipoise shines.

You switch deca with equipoise it makes you drier it reduces e2(no prolactin problems) and then you add in the tren
Masteron can act similar but it does not have the anabolic properties of equipoise
Deca to equipoise is a smoother transition anabolism wise
It’s a classic thing to do and that’s where equipoise shines.

You switch deca with equipoise it makes you drier it reduces e2(no prolactin problems) and then you add in the tren
Masteron can act similar but it does not have the anabolic properties of equipoise
Deca to equipoise is a smoother transition anabolism wise

Great feedback
Have you substituted Eq for Primo ?
I have masteron on hand so that could work. Have never run it had it for a planned cycle then covid happened. What doses would you be looking at. Test 500 tren 150 and masteron about 400?
Just coming to the end of my bulking cycle (1200test/600deca) weekly & starting my cut with Tren next month. Due to the half life of both it makes sense that I should start reducing the Deca now, and start with a low dose of Tren, increasing the Tren dose weekly.

Had anybody tried this before or is it preferred to come off the deca & then start the Tren?
how did u control e2 on that bulking cycle?