From Fat to fit


I hope everyone is doing well and staying strong. My name is razartazat, and I'm a 23-year-old fitness enthusiast who's been lifting weights for the past four years. I've been "on the juice" for the last 2.5 years and have learned a lot during my journey. I wanted to introduce myself and share my experiences so far, as well as learn from this fantastic community.

A bit about my lifting history: Before I started training at 19, my life was completely different. I used to weigh a whopping 140 kg, and I was, as I like to put it, a "fat fuck." I had almost no muscle and was carrying a lot of excess weight. But, after discovering the ketogenic diet, I managed to lose an incredible 70 kg before even setting foot in the gym. This transformation motivated me to take things further, and I fell in love with the iron game.

After 1.5 years of natural training, I decided to take things to the next level and began using anabolics. It was a big decision, but I believe it has been a game-changer for me in terms of progress and overall growth.

I have seen some incredible gains in my strength and physique over the years, with one of my proudest achievements being my personal record on the bench press – 135 kg x 6 reps. It's been a long and challenging journey, but it's safe to say that I'm hooked and can't wait to see what the future holds for me in this world of iron.

I joined Thinksteroids because I want to connect with like-minded individuals, share my knowledge, and learn from those who have more experience than me. I am excited to engage in discussions, ask questions, and be an active member of this fantastic community. I'm always eager to learn and improve, and I believe this forum will provide valuable insights and support for my ongoing journey.