Fucked up on NPP

Well i restarted NPP with bp meds and i feel better.

I think the root of the cause was the physical agitation from increased BP which made me anxious, because now with normal bp range i feel fine for a month and sleep almost perfectly.

Im up to 350mg per week. However i have another issue now..

Im by week 4 now and feel no benefits.

I dont have more strength or size, no water retention (ok its npp this i could understand), maybe juuuust a little more hunger, but thats it.

Some people say i should wait more but then i read others saying how they have more strength by week two.. so should i be patient? Up the dose? Switch to deca?
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Some people say i should wait more but then i read others saying how they have more strength by week two.. so should i be patient? Up the dose? Switch to deca?

I don't get much strength from NPP compared to dbol for example. But after 4 weeks you should see something for sure, like a much fuller look.
Everyone is on a bell curve, some respond like the majority, some respond differently.

I'm not sure why people are so quick to shut down anyone who responds differently to compounds relative to the norm on this forum.

I feel test c literally day of the shot, now Im not saying Im building muscle like I would at peak 12-13 weeks of a test c cycle but I do feel it.
What exactly do you feel ?
Well i restarted NPP with bp meds and i feel better.

I think the root of the cause was the physical agitation from increased BP which made me anxious, because now with normal bp range i feel fine for a month and sleep almost perfectly.

Im up to 350mg per week. However i have another issue now..

Im by week 4 now and feel no benefits.

I dont have more strength or size, no water retention (ok its npp this i could understand), maybe juuuust a little more hunger, but thats it.

Some people say i should wait more but then i read others saying how they have more strength by week two.. so should i be patient? Up the dose? Switch to deca?
I pack on water and size fairly quickly with NPP. I think you’re at the sweet spot at 350mg a week, I wouldn’t increase it. If the NPP is tested or from a reputable lab you should be ok.
Why not just combine the 2 and inject eod? Simple and less injections needed. I never understood why people do test 2x a week but add npp eod.