Gear, Growth, and Gains Podcast Ep. 006 from Type-IIx on SubQ Pinning Pros & Cons; Dorian Yates' First Cycle Design Review; Hack, Pendulum, or V-Squat


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New Gear, Growth, and Gains Podcast
Episode 006




Topics by Section
1. Subcutaneous Administration (SubQ Pinning): Pros & Cons
2. Dorian Yates' First Cycle: Design Analysis & Discussion
3. Coach's Corner: Hack squats vs. Pendulum squats vs. V-squats, what are they and why?
4. What Makes Testosterone Unique? Refers to my forthcoming (not yet published by @Millard) Unique Effects of Testosterone article

Type-IIx's Gear, Growth, and Gains: Ep. 006: Subcutaneous Injection (Pinning SubQ) Pros & Cons, Dorian Yates' First Cycle: Design Analysis, Review and Discussion; Coach's Corner: Hack vs. Pendulum vs. V- squats; What Makes Testosterone Unique?
22 min
Type-IIx discusses the topics of subcutaneous administration of anabolic steroids (AAS), its pros and cons; Dorian Yates' First Cycle: Review and Analysis of Cycle Design; Hack squat vs. Pendulum squat. vs. V-squat; What Makes Testosterone Unique?
anabolic steroids, steroids, androgens, AAS, subcutaneous, subq, bodybuilding, enhanced bodybuilding, Dorian Yates, Anavar, Primobolan, Dianabol, oxandrolone, training, weight training, pendulum squat, hack squat, V squat, metenolone enanthate, metandienone, Dbol, Var, Primo, testosterone, TRT
Dorian Yates Discusses First Cycle <youtube>

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Estrogen Functions in Men (Web Article)

Anabolic-androgenic steroid effects on libido (Part 1: Men)
Bump and now I have something to listen to during my evening run. All wins here, you can support the community while being entertained.