Hey, i heard a lot of talks that its very hard to get gear into Germany, and most domestic/Eu to Eu packages get seized. Im going to stay for a year here, not sure if it will be hard to get the gear into DE, what happens if they seize the package? big fines? thank you for information.
I dont know the source of your info regarding this topic but it can happen as in any other EU country since suspicious parcels will still be checked by customs.
What suspicious means I cant tell you. Leaked stuff, weird smell, specific adresses from senders or recievers - never know what is under investigation and also random checks will be done for sure. We cant tell.
Regarding the issues coming with that you can look up the amounts which will be considered as "not low" - meaning the assumption it is not just for your own use. To save you time looking up that one each substance, I can tell you they are that low you will always get into the second category.
If the order gets seized you most likely get a random visit in the morning by some friendly guys who will look for more (and finding something else you should not have at that place will cause you even more trouble) and you will get a huge fine at least, depending on what else they find, what your criminal track record is it can be also worse.
Unless you have no criminal record and no suspicious bathtub laboratory when visiting you, you will not end up in prison.
It does not always have to work that way, sometimes they gonna send you a letter offering to talk to them and make any statement (not recommended), mostly if they do not have a permission (yet) to check your house or perhaps do not have enaugh evidence you were responsible for the parcel being send. Which is not good but better then the other scenario.