MESO-Rx Sponsor GenericAsia - International & US Domestic

I'm not saying these aren't problems. The extent at how it's being handled however, is also a problem. Everyone writing him off over what? I guess go buy some qsc toilet water and let me know if the price addition to filtering it is worth it. Or just stay here and spam the same shit over and over. Not one person has allowed this guy to stabilize. And, if I don't get my package, I'll be blaming the clowns in here who manifested the circumstances.
Fair. Also fuck Tracy and QSC. Maggot juice.
@GenericAsia goddamn sure enough, fucking leaking pack. Motherfucker, you're going to get someone popped.

I don't understand why the cost of shipping is so high yet you can't grasp basic packing principles that all the other sources seem to have covered. What do you charge like 50 bucks per 5 kits and this is what we get

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Wtf another? They just dont give a fuck! Packaging raws must definitely be scarce too I guess.
It's really unbelievable.

Now we've moved on to unsubstantiated claims of underdosed and bunk gear, exit scamming, all from a shipping delay and damaged package, that have occurred with every source. Waiting for the next one upping attention seeking hysteric:

"It's not only bunk, I heard he's putting POISON in the vials!"
why do you still defend sources?
this is not how the board is supposed to work.
sources can be criticized for anything users want to.

"unsubstantiated claims" are you a lawyer for chinese sources?
@GenericAsia goddamn sure enough, fucking leaking pack. Motherfucker, you're going to get someone popped.

I don't understand why the cost of shipping is so high yet you can't grasp basic packing principles that all the other sources seem to have covered. What do you charge like 50 bucks per 5 kits and this is what we get

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Damn. So this is obviously not just a couple incidents. Considering that few people ever post about their orders, I'm guessing there's a number of people getting packs like this.

@GenericAsia what's the deal? We don't want excuses and "Don't worry guys". What happened to you claiming to be the "Highest quality" Chinese source? This is amateur crap right here.

If your stock is limited like you said and you're sending packs where the vials are broken, you're not going to have stock to replace stuff for people.

Enough of the excuses Marcus. You're about to tank your business dude. You think people are going to pay exorbitant prices to receive something like in this photo?
Hey Motherfuckers. I’m addressing everyone that has talked shit and called me names. Saying I’m too hard on this fuck face rat Marcus. What do you have to fucking say now after another leaky pack huh?! I fucking warned you dickwads. I tried to bring shit up weeks ago. For fucks sake, I’m only trying to help.
Not taking sides or making judgements, but honestly things like this are exactly why Meso has a bad rep among many people and why many sources stay away.
Not sure what you mean, Meso is usually great for sources,
you can set your profile picture as a woman to garner subconscious sympathy and insult users, raise your prices 3x overnight and have people defend it for free (usually)

The fact no one deny is, GA raised his prices so high, so quickly, because he thinks we are a bunch of suckers, because we have a lot of people giving sources the benefit of the doubt rather than being a contentious consumer.

We let another source get away with floater vials, you think this guy sees this, thinks we care enough to include tape or bubble wrap?

the bar is LOW. and this is the communities fault.
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Not taking sides or making judgements, but honestly things like this are exactly why Meso has a bad rep among many people and why many sources stay away.
Because here sources are held accountable? Of course sources like a website where they're pampered to and babied and treated like they're special. You think these sources are here to be our friends and do the right thing for us? Hell no. They'll do anything to make more money and they'll cut corners and if you let them slide, they'll do all manner of crappy things.

Go to the pages for sources that are doing good business and doing things correctly and you'll find that generally things are peachy there.

It's important to call out sources and hold them accountable. You give a source an inch and they will take 100 miles. Holding sources accountable is one of the main points of this website. You obviously have not read much from the administrator here and that he promotes holding sources fee to the flames.

Nothing keeping you here bud. If you want to go to a page where the sources just get praised and foot massages and all manner of BS is going on regularly then feel free.

You probably haven't been around long enough to see the ark when a new source shows up. They either crash and Burn in short order or they meet the demands and fix issues and actually become good quality. None of the sources that you probably buy from were very good until people demanded that they do a, b and c.

You should be thankful.
@GenericAsia goddamn sure enough, fucking leaking pack. Motherfucker, you're going to get someone popped.

I don't understand why the cost of shipping is so high yet you can't grasp basic packing principles that all the other sources seem to have covered. What do you charge like 50 bucks per 5 kits and this is what we get

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So @GenericAsia is stuffing the vials into padded envelopes, glass on glass packed tight. this means any outside pressure on the box will smash the vials. i would post pics but due to packaging opsec i prefer not to. imagine 10 vials packed tight laying flat in a padded envelope, stacked on top of each other. one layer of 3/8" foam sheeting on top and sides.

dude you need to start looking at some hard plastic vial cases, heat sealed bags and better engineering on your packaging. this wont cut it.

Please explain, because I'm not sure if your talking about the broken vials, the conspiracy theories or the basement dweller who don't take or buy gear but stir the pot.
Probably the "raging assholes" as it is called more than anything else. Those can fall under a huge variety of categories. It is what I though too until I took the time to actually spend reading everything and realized it is just part of the culture here to an extent and most people are actually pretty decent overall and many in their own way are trying to improve the community.

As for the broken vial thing. I agree and I have dealt with it myself in the past as it used to happen a lot with ampules when they were popular. Once had a source literally throw 100 of those 2cc cooper pharma deca vials in a USPS priority mail box with literally no padding whatsoever and 2-3 broke and it rattled like a mother and stained the box. Luckly I was fine.

That being said, we are dealing with an underground market. They should be called out to do better with floaters, broken vials, etc and it just takes one bad order even if you have 1000 good ones to damage your rep as we can see here. I am sure the shortage has people a bit on edge and that along with the "tren" :) sure isn't helping things.

Call the source out. Tell them to do better, make it clear and then let people make their own judgements on whether to buy or to continue to buy from them or not. Hopefully they do better, if they don't, the source knows at a point it will cost them. At a point though, it becomes overdone. Just my thoughts and my opinion which as they say are like assholes.